
郭艾伦谈重返辽篮:2个月不见感觉队友都变强了 我回来打不上球了

{"info":{"title":{"content":"郭艾伦谈重返辽篮:2个月不见感觉队友都变强了 我回来打不上球了","en":"Guo Allen talks about returning to Liao Basket: I haven't seen it for 2 months, and I feel that my teammates have become stronger, and I can't play when I come back"},"description":{"content":"5月1日消息,5月1日晚上刚刚结束的CBA季后赛半决赛上半区G1一战中,辽宁男篮主场以119-97击败广东,总比分1-0...","en":"On May 1, it was reported that in the first half of the CBA playoffs semifinals that had just ended on the evening of May 1, the Liaoning men's basketball team defeated Guangdong 119-97 at home, with a total score of 1-0..."}},"items":[]}
