
贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展



贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展


贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

贾传金老师淡泊名利,远离大城市的喧嚣,扎根于自己的家乡枣庄市。这种内心的安静祥和,恰恰为他的创作提供了丰沃的土壤。他的作品多次在省市获奖,并受到了国内外艺术界的广泛认可。他不仅是新加坡T.F研究院聘任的教授一级美术师,还是中国书画院会员、中国传统文化发展委员会特聘副主席,国家高级美术师、一带一路文化形象大使、中华文化全球推广大、 以及世界非遗传承大师。他的作品更是被编入大型国际艺术交流刊物《世界艺术年鉴1922—2022》,并荣获国际艺术家功勋艺术大师荣誉称号。

贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展



贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

Jia Chuanjin, the teacher is an artist with profound expertise in the field of painting art. He was born in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province and developed a strong interest in art from a young age. He embarked on the path of creation from the age of 14. His study experience in the Fine Arts Department of Tai'an Academy has laid a solid artistic foundation for him, and he has been dedicated to creating on this path without stopping.

贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

Teacher Jia Chuanjin is indifferent to fame and fortune, far away from the hustle and bustle of big cities, and rooted in his hometown of Zaozhuang City. This inner peace and tranquility precisely provided a fertile soil for his creation. His works have won numerous awards in provinces and cities, and have been widely recognized by the domestic and international art community. He is not only Singapore T The professor level artist employed by the F Research Institute is also a member of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a distinguished vice chairman of the Chinese Traditional Culture Development Committee, a national senior artist, a cultural image ambassador of the the Belt and Road, a global promotion of Chinese culture, and a master of world intangible heritage inheritance. His works have also been included in the large international art exchange publication "World Art Yearbook 1922-2022" and have been awarded the honorary title of International Artist Meritorious Art Master.

贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

Through Professor Jia Chuanjin's works, we can not only appreciate his exquisite skills, but also appreciate the pure artistic atmosphere. Each of his works is filled with a love for life and a persistent pursuit of art, making people feel the power and beauty of art.

贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

Teacher Jia Chuanjin has become an outstanding representative in the field of contemporary painting art with his outstanding artistic achievements and profound artistic attainments. His artistic journey not only provides us with valuable artistic wealth, but also sets an example for us to pursue art and persist in creation.

贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
贾传金 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
