

{"info":{"title":{"content":"你家有一次性手套吗?赶紧找出来,现在清楚还不晚,看完快学学","en":"Do you have disposable gloves at home? Hurry up and find out, it's not too late to know, read and learn quickly"},"description":{"content":"标题:你家有一次性手套吗?赶紧找出来,现在清楚还不晚,看完快学学导语:一次性手套,是我们日常生活中不可或缺的小物件之一。...","en":"Title: Do you have disposable gloves at home? Hurry up and find out, it's not too late to be clear, read and learn the introduction: disposable gloves are one of the indispensable small objects in our daily life. ..."}},"items":[]}