

{"info":{"title":{"content":"黄巢虽然残暴,可只有他做到了,拔掉了一颗近600年的“毒瘤”","en":"Although Huang Chao was brutal, he was the only one who did it and pulled out a \"cancer\" that had been around for nearly 600 years"},"description":{"content":"说到黄巢,许多人第一反应便是他的残暴无情。但在那个风云变幻的唐末,一个出身卑微的盐商之子如何摇身一变,成为数十万农民起义...","en":"When it comes to Huang Chao, many people's first reaction is that he is brutal and ruthless. But at the end of that turbulent Tang Dynasty, how did the son of a salt merchant from humble background become an uprising of hundreds of thousands of peasants..."}},"items":[]}