

{"info":{"title":{"content":"假消息!炒作一亩小麦青贮1500元该停了,官方辟谣没有这事","en":"Fake news! It's time to stop hyping up 1,500 yuan of wheat silage per acre, and there is no such thing as official refutation"},"description":{"content":"这样的场面很罕见,很多农民也是头一次见。原来,这里有巨大利益,传言每亩给到1500元~2000元。这让人难以置信,因为小...","en":"Such a scene is rare, and many farmers have seen it for the first time. It turns out that there are huge benefits here, and it is rumored that 1500 yuan ~ 2000 yuan per mu will be given. It's unbelievable, because the small..."}},"items":[]}