
离开琼瑶,林青霞才是金庸笔下最漂亮的东方不败 !

{"info":{"title":{"content":"离开琼瑶,林青霞才是金庸笔下最漂亮的东方不败 !","en":"Leaving Qiong Yao, Lin Qingxia is the most beautiful Oriental undefeated in Jin Yong's pen!"},"description":{"content":"时光在20世纪70年代的香港静静地流淌而过,众多生命之中,有一位青春洋溢、貌美如花的女子正沉醉于一场充满跌宕起伏的感情旋...","en":"Time passed quietly in Hong Kong in the 70s of the 20th century, and among the many lives, there was a young and beautiful woman who was intoxicated with a romantic whirlwind full of ups and downs."}},"items":[]}