

{"info":{"title":{"content":"学费20万,却花了60万?国际学校也内卷?中产家庭直呼“伤不起”","en":"The tuition fee is 200,000 yuan, but it costs 600,000 yuan? International schools are also involuted? Middle-class families call \"can't afford to hurt\""},"description":{"content":"近日,有网友爆料称,本以为送孩子上国际学校能远离“内卷”,没想到课外补习费用竟成了新的“吞金兽”。这一话题迅速在网络上引...","en":"Recently, some netizens broke the news that they thought that sending their children to international schools would be able to stay away from \"involution\", but they didn't expect that extracurricular tuition fees would become a new \"gold-swallowing beast\". This topic quickly attracted attention on the Internet..."}},"items":[]}