

{"info":{"title":{"content":"难怪女装退货率这么高!看完网友分享,不敢买没运费险的衣服了!","en":"No wonder the return rate of women's clothing is so high! After reading the sharing of netizens, I dare not buy clothes without shipping insurance!"},"description":{"content":"现在几乎人人都网购,觉得网上的衣服样子多,不用到处走路逛街,动动手指,利用碎片化时间就能买到心仪的衣服,是懒人福音。但是...","en":"Nowadays, almost everyone buys online, and feels that there are many clothes on the Internet, and there is no need to walk around shopping, move your fingers, and use fragmented time to buy your favorite clothes, which is the gospel of lazy people. But..."}},"items":[]}