

{"info":{"title":{"content":"今天遇到个没用微信的人,知道的时候挺惊讶的,不过也有点佩服他。在如今离了手机和微信,好似人没了手和脚的时刻,当真有股清流","en":"Today, I met someone who didn't use WeChat, and I was surprised when I knew, but I also admired him a little. Now that I am away from mobile phones and WeChat, it seems that people have lost their hands and feet, and there is really a clear stream"},"description":{"content":"今天遇到个没用微信的人,知道的时候挺惊讶的,不过也有点佩服他。在如今离了手机和微信,好似人没了手和脚的时刻,当真有股清流...","en":"Today, I met someone who didn't use WeChat, and I was surprised when I knew, but I also admired him a little. Now that I am away from mobile phones and WeChat, it seems that people have lost their hands and feet, and there is really a clear stream..."}},"items":[]}