

{"info":{"title":{"content":"NBA疯狂一夜:季后赛首个天王山出现,利拉德跟腱重伤,伍德复出","en":"NBA Crazy Night: The first day of the playoffs appeared, Lillard suffered a serious Achilles tendon injury, and Wood returned"},"description":{"content":"北京时间4月28日,NBA季后赛首轮继续进行,湖人和掘金的比赛是焦点战。而就在刚刚过去的一夜之间,联盟还有3个重要消息传...","en":"On April 28, Beijing time, the first round of the NBA playoffs continued, and the game between the Lakers and the Nuggets was the focus of the battle. And just this past night, there are 3 important news from the alliance..."}},"items":[]}