

{"info":{"title":{"content":"承欢记:“不会哭”麦承早永远不知,自己为何做再多也比不上姐姐","en":"Cheng Huan Ji: \"Can't cry\" Mai Chengzao will never know why he can't compare to his sister no matter how much he does"},"description":{"content":"家庭,本应是温暖的港湾,可为何总有人在这里感到寒冷?《承欢记》最新剧情中,麦承早终于忍受不住妈妈的偏心与冷漠,离家出走了...","en":"Family is supposed to be a warm harbor, but why do people always feel cold here? In the latest plot of \"Chenghuan Ji\", Mai Chengzao finally couldn't stand his mother's partiality and indifference, and ran away from home..."}},"items":[]}