

{"info":{"title":{"content":"《奥本海默》引发美日网民互怼,“731部队”成美国网络话题","en":"\"Oppenheimer\" caused American and Japanese netizens to criticize each other, and \"Unit 731\" became a topic of American Internet conversation"},"description":{"content":"延迟8个月之后,《奥本海默》3月29日在日本公映,引发强烈反响和关注。综合日媒报道和日本网络上的评论,日本观众对这部电影...","en":"After a delay of 8 months, \"Oppenheimer\" was released in Japan on March 29, causing strong repercussions and attention. Based on Japanese media reports and comments on the Japanese Internet, Japanese audiences are very interested in this film..."}},"items":[]}