

{"info":{"title":{"content":"笑死,为了让熊孩子在高铁上安静大家都挺努力的,学会了下次就用","en":"Laughing to death, everyone worked hard to make the bear child quiet on the high-speed rail, and learned to use it next time"},"description":{"content":"现在的大人为了让小孩在高铁上安静真的挺努力的,哈哈,你看孩子吵闹也是可以克服的,不是管不了,真的有好多办法!家长也清闲,...","en":"Nowadays, adults are really working hard to make children quiet on the high-speed rail, haha, you see that children can be overcome noisy, it's not that they can't be managed, there are really many ways! Parents are also idle,..."}},"items":[]}