

{"info":{"title":{"content":"祁同伟和高小琴沆瀣一气,狼狈为奸,臭味相投,似乎是上天的安排,也是命运的必然。高小琴就像是女版的祁同伟,出生于寒微的小渔","en":"Qi Tongwei and Gao Xiaoqin are in cahoots, embarrassed, and smelly of each other, which seems to be God's arrangement and the inevitability of fate. Gao Xiaoqin is like the female version of Qi Tongwei, born in a humble Xiaoyu"},"description":{"content":"祁同伟和高小琴沆瀣一气,狼狈为奸,臭味相投,似乎是上天的安排,也是命运的必然。高小琴就像是女版的祁同伟,出生于寒微的小渔...","en":"Qi Tongwei and Gao Xiaoqin are in cahoots, embarrassed, and smelly of each other, which seems to be God's arrangement and the inevitability of fate. Gao Xiaoqin is like a female version of Qi Tongwei, born in a cold little fishery..."}},"items":[]}