

{"info":{"title":{"content":"70岁成龙为爱妻庆生,穿情侣装也难掩老态龙钟!真的老了!","en":"70-year-old Jackie Chan celebrates the birthday of his beloved wife, and it is difficult to hide his old age when he wears a couple's outfit!"},"description":{"content":"林凤娇生日时,他特意挑选了颜色和款式一样的情侣装来穿搭,也算是模范好丈夫。整身灰色系运动服的搭配不能说多显年轻但更显自然...","en":"On Lin Fengjiao's birthday, he deliberately chose a couple outfit with the same color and style to wear, and he can be regarded as a model husband. The combination of the whole gray sportswear can't be said to be more youthful, but more natural..."}},"items":[]}