

{"info":{"title":{"content":"南部战区连续48小时战巡,美航母却提前跑了,关键时刻马科斯服软","en":"The Southern Theater patrolled for 48 hours in a row, but the US aircraft carrier ran ahead of schedule, and Marcos relented at the critical moment"},"description":{"content":"美日澳菲四国军演还是引起了不小的关注,主要是演习的区域位于南海,这也是四国首次联合进行军演,各国都派出了军舰参与这次军演...","en":"The military exercises of the United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines have attracted a lot of attention, mainly because the area of the exercise is located in the South China Sea, which is also the first time that the four countries have jointly conducted military exercises, and each country has sent warships to participate in this military exercise..."}},"items":[]}