
守护大众健康 贡献公益力量 ——江博士健康鞋积极践行社会责任

{"info":{"title":{"content":"守护大众健康 贡献公益力量 ——江博士健康鞋积极践行社会责任","en":"Protecting public health and contributing to public welfare -- Dr. Jiang Health Shoes actively practices social responsibility"},"description":{"content":"慈善公益报(王梦华)企业的力量不仅仅在于创造经济价值,更在于提供社会价值。江博士健康鞋自1999年成立以来,20多年间积...","en":"The strength of the enterprise is not only to create economic value, but also to provide social value. Since its establishment in 1999, Dr. Jiang Health Shoes has accumulated more than 20 years."}},"items":[]}