

{"info":{"title":{"content":"去年曼城国米进欧冠决赛,毁掉了真正的欧洲德比——66年前上演过","en":"Manchester City's Inter reached the Champions League final last year, ruining a true European derby – which took place 66 years ago"},"description":{"content":"当曼城和皇马激战于本赛季欧冠四分之一决赛时,国米却百无聊赖地在意甲这一亩三分地盘算本赛季还有几天才结束。曼城和国米贵为上...","en":"While Manchester City and Real Madrid battled in the quarter-finals of this season's Champions League, Inter Milan were bored in the three-point plot of Serie A, and the season was just a few days away. Manchester City and Inter Milan are expensive..."}},"items":[]}