
复旦校花 :112岁仍坚持化妆,爱吃肥肉不锻炼,晚年透露长寿秘诀

{"info":{"title":{"content":"复旦校花 :112岁仍坚持化妆,爱吃肥肉不锻炼,晚年透露长寿秘诀","en":"Fudan School Flower: At the age of 112, she still insists on makeup, loves to eat fat and does not exercise, and reveals the secret of longevity in her later years"},"description":{"content":"图片中这位百岁老人身穿淡雅的旗袍,脚上穿着搭配适宜的高跟鞋,精致淡妆的脸上带着自信乐观的微笑。她就是曾经轰动上海复旦大学...","en":"In the picture, the centenarian is wearing an elegant cheongsam, wearing matching high heels on his feet, and a confident and optimistic smile on his delicate and light makeup face. She is the one who once caused a sensation at Fudan University in Shanghai..."}},"items":[]}