

{"info":{"title":{"content":"农村火爆一时的“水磨石”,使用寿命达40年,如今为何很少人用?","en":"The \"terrazzo\", which is popular in the countryside, has a service life of 40 years, why is it rarely used now?"},"description":{"content":"上个世纪70年代,人们对农村的了解仅停留电视剧展示的木屋土坯。殊不知,在当时的农村早就凭借“水磨石”迈上了潮流家装之路,...","en":"In the 70s of the last century, people's understanding of the countryside was only the wooden house adobe shown in the TV series. As everyone knows, in the countryside at that time, it had already embarked on the road of trendy home decoration with \"terrazzo,..."}},"items":[]}