

{"info":{"title":{"content":"唐嫣《繁花》路演甜笑如初,董勇老师一把拽到C位,网友直呼抢镜","en":"Tang Yan's \"Flowers\" roadshow smiled sweetly, and Teacher Dong Yong dragged him to the C position, and netizens shouted to steal the spotlight"},"description":{"content":"今天,我们来到了唐嫣的路演现场,看到她穿着灰色毛衣和牛仔裤,卷发红唇,温柔大方,展现出了内娱女明星少有的松弛感。她笑起来...","en":"Today, we came to Tang Yan's roadshow site and saw her wearing a gray sweater and jeans, curly hair and red lips, gentle and generous, showing a rare sense of relaxation among female stars in domestic entertainment. She laughed..."}},"items":[]}