

{"info":{"title":{"content":"国乒主力或被国际乒联严惩!违反赛场条例,陈幸同可能被队伍禁赛","en":"The main force of national table tennis may be severely punished by the International Table Tennis Federation! Violating the rules of the venue, Chen Xingtong may be banned by the team"},"description":{"content":"国乒女单一直大受别国赞赏,但是在这辉煌的成绩背后还是发生了一些不友好的事情,国乒女子的主力之一陈幸就遭到了处罚,那她究竟...","en":"The national table tennis women's singles has always been greatly appreciated by other countries, but behind this brilliant achievement, some unfriendly things have happened, Chen Xing, one of the main forces of the national table tennis women's team, was punished, so what is she..."}},"items":[]}