
外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films


Long live the short-lived on screen summer romance. To get you hot and bothered in a sexy, rather than a sweaty, way, here are seven of the greatest summer romance films that are sure to put you in the mood for summer. 选自 Readers' Digest, by Annie Dabb 7 June 2023


Wreckless romance and sexy soirees, what else is summer for? These summer romance films capture perfectly the sense of carefree and sun-kissed romance.


1.Dirty Dancing(1987)

外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films

Credit: Lionsgate.com

It goes without saying that Emile Ardolino's 1987 film Dirty Dancing easily sails into the top spot when it comes to hot holiday romance. Taking place at a cheesy holiday resort, young and dorky Frances (Jennnifer Grey) falls in love with the older, sexy salsa teacher Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze), despite disapproval from her father.

In what can only be described as an applaudable character development, Frances goes from the awkward girl who "carried a watermelon", to Castle's new dance partner and the object of his affections, reminding us all that it might be worthwhile to pick up a new hobby every now and again, even if we're a complete novice.

1. 辣身舞 (1987)




外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films

Credit: Paramount Movies

Although technically a post-summer fling film, we still think Grease deserves a place near the top of the list. In a hilarious battle of the sexes, the film follows the unlikely (if you're not living in a rom com) relationship between king of the T-Birds, Danny Zuko (John Travolta) and honorary Pink Lady (sort of) Sandy Olsson (Olivia Newton-John), who met on holiday last summer (cue musical number).

Complete with drag racing, ear piercing, and a whole wardrobe makeover (at least on Sandy's part), this is the perfect summer fling film about teenagers navigating shool stereotypes and rookie relationships.

Our advice: if you are thinking of turning up to a fun fair in skin-tight shiny black leggings to impress your summer love interest, make sure you pee first. Newton-John's pants were so tight for Grease that she had to be sewn into them!

2. 火爆浪子(又名:油脂) (1978)



3.Mamma Mia!(2008)

外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films

Credit: Universal Pictures

Spending the summer on a gorgeous Greek island to celebrate her wedding, Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) complicates her mother Donna's (Meryl Streep) love life by inviting not one, or even two, but three of Donna's past summer flings to the wedding as she tries to work out which one is her real father.

Named after the last track on Abba's 1975 album 'ABBA' and featuring more of the band's greatest hits, Mamma Mia! is a feel-good musical classic, and is sure to make you want a holiday in Greece, even if you'd rather give the complicated romances a miss.

3. 妈妈咪呀! (2008)


以Abba 1975年专辑《Abba》的最后一首曲目命名,收录了该乐队更多的热门歌曲,妈妈咪呀!是一部感觉良好的音乐经典,即使你不想陷入这纷繁复杂的爱情之中,肯定会让你想要在希腊度个假。

4.La La Land(2016)

外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films

Credit: Lionsgate

A tale of enemies to lovers, La La Land follows the relationship of budding actor Mia (Emma Stone) and struggling jazz pianist Sebastian Wilder (Ryan Gosling) as both try to make it in Los Angeles.

Rom com afficionados may recognise the same romantic pairing in the 2011 film Crazy Stupid Love, in which Gosling plays a womaniser who falls in love with Stone's character, despite initially rejecting him.

With a jazzy playlist that will have you tapping your feet and singing along, this is the perfect summer fling film if you're tired after another day of sun and looking for a way to spend a lovely night.

4. 爱乐之城 (2016)





外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films

Credit: Miramix

One for any French film fanatics out there, Amélie is less about a sexy summer fling and more the beginnings of a romantic love affair, that happen to take place in the city of love, coincidentally in summer.

The film follows the humble story of a French waiter (Audrey Tautou) who has a tendency to romanticise life's little pleasures, among which are people watching and cracking the surface of a fresh crème brûlée with a spoon.

Vowing to devote her life to bringing about the happiness of others while being painfully lonely herself, Amélie eventually finds romance once she stops hiding behind her good deeds.

5. 天使爱美丽 (2001)





外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films

Credit: Annapurna Pictures Gloria Sanchez Productions

Olivia Wilde's directorial debut is an outrageously funny summer rom com meets coming-of-age film which follows about-to-be high school graduates Amy (Beanie Feldstein) and Molly (Kaitlyn Dever) as they try to cram in seven years of missed parties, drinking and fun into one wild night.

Having spent their high school careers with their heads buried in books, the two friends spend the night encouraging each other on to pursue their crushes on a sort of wild-goose chase to find the right graduation party.

Although nothing works out in the end how they wanted it to, Amy and Molly learn how some of the best things in summer happen unexpectedly, how romantic love can come from where you'd least expect it, and how true love is often by your side the whole time.

6. 高材生 (2019)





7.The Miseducation of Cameron Post(2018)

外刊阅读 7 Greatest summer romance films

Credit: Beachside Parkville Pictures

It's difficult enough to be young and in love with someone you can't have, but even more so when your sexuality is condemned and your family think you need to be "cured".

Cameron Post (Chloe Grace Moretz) is sent away to a religious camp for gay conversion therapy after she is caught kissing her female friend Coley Taylor (Quinn Shephard).

While Cameron's summer fling is what gets her sent to the summer camp in the first place, the film is more about the self love she and her friends are bravely able to develop, despite most people around them telling them that who they love and who they are is wrong.

7. 卡梅伦邮报的错误教育 (2018)


