

 [[email protected] src]# javac DialogDemo.java


1. WARNING in DialogDemo.java (at line 24)

        public class DialogDemo extends JPanel {


The serializable class DialogDemo does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long


2. ERROR in DialogDemo.java (at line 31)

        CustomDialog customDialog;


CustomDialog cannot be resolved to a type


3. ERROR in DialogDemo.java (at line 37)

        customDialog = new CustomDialog(frame, "geisel", this);


customDialog cannot be resolved


4. ERROR in DialogDemo.java (at line 37)

        customDialog = new CustomDialog(frame, "geisel", this);


CustomDialog cannot be resolved to a type


5. ERROR in DialogDemo.java (at line 38)



customDialog cannot be resolved


6. ERROR in DialogDemo.java (at line 490)



customDialog cannot be resolved


7. ERROR in DialogDemo.java (at line 491)



customDialog cannot be resolved


8. ERROR in DialogDemo.java (at line 493)

        String s = customDialog.getValidatedText();


customDialog cannot be resolved


9. WARNING in DialogDemo.java (at line 517)



The static field Font.PLAIN should be accessed in a static way


9 problems (7 errors, 2 warnings)[[email protected] src]# ls

CustomDialog.java  DialogDemo.java  images

[[email protected] src]# javac CustomDialog.java


1. WARNING in CustomDialog.java (at line 9)

        class CustomDialog extends JDialog


The serializable class CustomDialog does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long


2. ERROR in CustomDialog.java (at line 14)

        private DialogDemo dd;


DialogDemo cannot be resolved to a type


3. ERROR in CustomDialog.java (at line 31)

        public CustomDialog(Frame aFrame, String aWord, DialogDemo parent) {


DialogDemo cannot be resolved to a type


4. ERROR in CustomDialog.java (at line 33)

        dd = parent;


dd cannot be resolved


5. ERROR in CustomDialog.java (at line 137)

        dd.setLabel("It's OK.  "


dd cannot be resolved


5 problems (4 errors, 1 warning)[[email protected] src]# ls

CustomDialog.java  DialogDemo.java  images

[[email protected] src]#