

--1 语法

aggregate_function keep

( dense_rank first order by expr desc nulls last)

over (query partition clause )


•DENSE_RANK FIRST or DENSE_RANK LAST indicates that Oracle Database will 

aggregate over only those rows with the minimum (FIRST) or the maximum (LAST) dense rank (also called olympic rank).


FIRST and LAST are very similar functions. 

Both are aggregate and analytic functions that operate on a set of values from a set of rows that rank as the FIRST or LAST 

with respect to a given sorting specification. 


If only one row ranks as FIRST or LAST, then the aggregate operates on the set with only one element.

--aggregate functions:

忽略over clause

--analytic functions 

指定over clause


--2 分析例子

SELECT unit_id,



       MIN(out_row) KEEP(DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY tjrq_q) OVER(PARTITION BY unit_id) "Worst",

       MAX(out_row) KEEP(DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY tjrq_q) OVER(PARTITION BY unit_id) "Best"

  FROM etl_exdw_log

 ORDER BY unit_id, unit_code;

--3 DENSE_RANK FIRST order by expr和dens_rank() over

SELECT unit_id,



       MIN(out_row) KEEP(DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY tjrq_q) OVER(PARTITION BY unit_id) "Worst",

       MAX(out_row) KEEP(DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY tjrq_q) OVER(PARTITION BY unit_id) "Best",

       dense_rank() over(partition by unit_id order by out_row),

       rank() over(partition by unit_id order by out_row)

  FROM etl_exdw_log

 ORDER BY unit_id, unit_code;


--4 聚集函数例子

SELECT unit_id,



       MIN(out_row) KEEP(DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY tjrq_q) "Worst",

       MAX(out_row) KEEP(DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY tjrq_q) "Best",

       dense_rank(23632) within group(order by out_row desc nulls last)

  FROM etl_exdw_log

 group BY unit_id, unit_code, tjrq_q;

--1 语法

--ANSI format(推荐):

firt_value (expr (respect|ignore) nulls ) over (analytic clause)


firt_value (expr) (respect|ignore) nulls  over (analytic clause)


--2 简介

It returns the first value in an ordered set of values;

If the first value in the set is null, then the function returns NULL unless you specify IGNORE NULLS


--3 例子一

SELECT unit_id,




       FIRST_VALUE(out_row) OVER(partition by unit_id,tjrq_q ORDER BY out_row desc ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS greatest_rows

  FROM etl_exdw_log

 ORDER BY unit_id,tjrq_q;

--1 语法1

lag (value_expr,offset,default) (ignore nulls| respect nulls)

over (query_partition_clause order_by_clause)

--2 语法2

lag (value_expr (ignore nulls| respect nulls),offset,default) 

over (query_partition_clause order_by_clause)


--3 目的

LAG provides access to a row at a given physical offset prior to that position.


Given a series of rows returned from a query and a position of the cursor



{RESPECT | IGNORE} NULLS determines whether null values of value_expr are included in or eliminated from the calculation. The default is RESPECT NULLS.

You cannot nest analytic functions by using LAG or any other analytic function for value_expr. 


--lag (value_expr,offset,default) (ignore nulls| respect nulls) over (query_partition_clause order_by_clause)


--4 例子

SELECT unit_id,




       LAG(end_time, 1, sysdate) OVER(partition by unit_id ORDER BY end_time) AS prev_endtime,

       round((end_time - LAG(end_time, 1, sysdate)

              OVER(partition by unit_id ORDER BY end_time)) * 24 * 60) as exe_time


 order by unit_id, end_time;


--5 lead函数对比:

SELECT unit_id,




       lead(end_time, 1, sysdate) OVER(partition by unit_id ORDER BY end_time) AS prev_endtime,

       round((lead(end_time, 1, sysdate) OVER(partition by unit_id ORDER BY end_time)-end_time) * 24 * 60) as exe_time


 order by unit_id, end_time;
