





1. 建立数学模型来描述问题;

2. 把求解的问题分成若干个子问题;

3. .对每一子问题求解,得到子问题的局部最优解;

4. 把子问题的解局部最优解合成原来解问题的一个解。












Lauren has a chart of distinct projected prices for a house over the next n years, 
where the price of the house in the  year is i. 
She wants to purchase and resell the house at a minimal loss according to the following rules:

The house cannot be sold at a price greater than or equal to the price it was purchased at 
(i.e., it must be resold at a loss).
The house cannot be resold within the same year it was purchased.

Find and print the minimum amount of money Lauren must lose if she buys the house and resells 
it within the next  years.

Note: It's guaranteed that a valid answer exists.

Sample Input 1
20 7 8 2 5

Sample Output 1

buys the house in year 2, sells it in year 5(7-5=2).

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    using llt = long long int;
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    vector<pair<llt, llt>> vec;
    for (llt i = ; i < n; ++i)
        llt j;
        cin >> j;
        vec.push_back(make_pair(j, i));
    llt y = ;
    sort(vec.rbegin(), vec.rend());
    for (llt i = ; i < n - ; ++i)
        if (vec[i].first - vec[i + ].first < y && vec[i].second < vec[i + ].second)
            y = vec[i].first - vec[i + ].first;
    cout << y;
    return ;
