
第四十五篇:USB Type-C Spec知识点摘要

1. 缩写

Downstream-Facing Port (DFP)

Upstream-Facing Port (UFP)

Dual-Role Port (DRP)

Electronically Marked Cable Assembly (EMCA)


USB Type-C bus wire used to power the IC in the EMCA

Configuration Channel (CC)

USB Type-C bus wire used to carry the PD protocol signals.  

Sideband Use (SBU)

USB Type-C bus wire used for non-USB control signals

Provider, Consumer

A Provider is a Type-C port that sources power over V BUS ; a Consumer is a Type-C port that sinks power from V BUS

Rp, Rd

A DFP exposes Rp terminations on its CC pins (CC1 and CC2) and a UFP exposes Rd terminations on its CC pins. 


Cable need to expose Ra on its VCONN pin to get power from the DFP.

2. Pins USB TYPE C一共有22(plug)pins :24( Receptacle )pins 其中 4 Ground and VBUS Conductors: 8

2 Super Speed interfaces : 8

1 Configuration Channel : 1

1 Vconn: 1

2 SBU :2 1(2) High Speed interfaces: 2 (4)

3. cable flip Upside-up -- Upside-up Upside-up -- Upside-dn Upside-dn -- Upside-dn Upside-dn -- Upside-up

CC由Rp上拉 CC由Rd(CC),Ra(Vconn)下拉

4.阻值 Rd固定: 5.1K

Rp三种值来确定VBUS的输出 0.9A,5V, 56K 1.5A, 5V,         22K 3A, 5V, 10K

Ra: 800~1.2K