



url {String}: 上传文件的服务器路径
alias {String}:  包含文件的名称,默认是file
queue {Array}: 上传队列
progress {Number}: 上传队列的进度,只读
headers {Object}: 上传的头文件信息, 浏览器需支持HTML5
formData {Array}: 与文件一起发送的表单数据
filters {Array}: 在文件加入上传队列之前应用过滤器.,如果过滤器返回true则文件加入队列中
autoUpload {Boolean}: 文件加入队列之后自动上传,默认是false
method {String}: 请求方式,默认是POST,浏览器需支持HTML5
removeAfterUpload {Boolean}: 文件上传成功之后从队列移除,默认是false
isHTML5 {Boolean}: 如果浏览器支持HTML5上传则返回true,只读
isUploading {Boolean}: 文件正在上传中返回true,只读
queueLimit {Number} : 最大上传文件数量(预定义)
withCredentials {Boolean} : 使用CORS,默认是false, 浏览器需支持HTML5
addToQueue function(files[, options[, filters]]) {: Add items to the queue, where files is a {FileList|File|HTMLInputElement}, options is an {Object} andfilters is a {String}.  添加项到上传队列中,files 是 {FileList|File|HTMLInputElement}, options 是 {Object} 以及 filters 是 {String}
removeFromQueue function(value) {: Remove an item from the queue, wherevalue is {FileItem} or index of item.  从上传队列移除项,value 可以是 {FileItem} 或者项的序号
clearQueue function() {: Removes all elements from the queue.  移除上传队列所有的元素
uploadItem function(value) {: Uploads an item, where value is {FileItem} or index of item.  上传项, value 可以是 {FileItem} 或者项的序号
cancelItem function(value) {: Cancels uploading of item, where value is{FileItem} or index of item.  取消上传的项
uploadAll function() {: Upload all pending items on the queue.  将上传队列中所有的项进行上传
cancelAll function() {: Cancels all current uploads.  取消所有当前上传
destroy function() {: Destroys a uploader. 
isFile function(value) {return {Boolean};}: Returns true if value is {File}. 
isFileLikeObject function(value) {return {Boolean};}: Returns true if value is{FileLikeObject}.
getIndexOfItem function({FileItem}) {return {Number};}: Returns the index of the{FileItem} queue element.  返回项在上传队列中的序号
getReadyItems function() {return {Array.<FileItems>};}: Return items are ready to upload.  返回准备上传的项
getNotUploadedItems function() {return {Array.<FileItems>};}: Return an array of all pending items on the queue  返回上传队列中未上传的项
onAfterAddingFile function(item) {: 添加文件到上传队列后
onWhenAddingFileFailed function(item, filter, options) {: 添加文件到上传队列失败后
onAfterAddingAll function(addedItems) {: 添加所选的所有文件到上传队列后
onBeforeUploadItem function(item) {: 文件上传之前
onProgressItem function(item, progress) {: 文件上传中
onSuccessItem function(item, response, status, headers) {: 文件上传成功后
onErrorItem function(item, response, status, headers) {: 文件上传失败后
onCancelItem function(item, response, status, headers) { - 文件上传取消后
onCompleteItem function(item, response, status, headers) {: 文件上传完成后
onProgressAll function(progress) {: 上传队列的所有文件上传中
onCompleteAll function() {: 上传队列的所有文件上传完成后
成功上传文件的回调函数顺序是:onAfterAddingFile — onAfterAddingAll — onBeforeUploadItem — onProgressItem — onProgressAll — onSuccessItem — onCompleteItem — onCompleteAll
url {String}: Path on the server in which this file will be uploaded  上传文件的服务器路径
alias {String}: Name of the field which will contain the file, default is file  包含文件的名称,默认是file
headers {Object}: Headers to be sent along with this file. HTML5 browsers only.  上传的头文件信息, 浏览器需支持HTML5
formData {Array}: Data to be sent along with this file  与文件一起发送的表单数据
method {String}: It's a request method. By default POST. HTML5 browsers only.  请求方式,默认是POST,浏览器需支持HTML5
withCredentials {Boolean} : enable CORS. HTML5 browsers only.  使用CORS,默认是false, 浏览器需支持HTML5
removeAfterUpload {Boolean}: Remove this file from the queue after uploading  上传之后从上传队列移除该文件
index {Number} - A sequence number upload. Read only.  上传文件在上传队列中的序号,只读
progress {Number}: File upload progress percentage. Read only.  文件上传的进度,只读
isReady {Boolean} - File is ready to upload. Read only.  文件是否准备好上传,只读
isUploading {Boolean}: true if the file is being uploaded. Read only.  文件是否正在上传中,只读
isUploaded {Boolean}: true if the file was uploaded. Read only.  文件是否已经上传,只读
isSuccess {Boolean}: true if the file was uploaded successfully. Read only.  文件是否已经上传成功,只读
isCancel {Boolean} : true if uploading was canceled. Read only.  文件是否取消上传,只读
isError {Boolean} - true if occurred error while file uploading. Read only.  文件是否上传错误,只读
uploader {Object}: Reference to the parent Uploader object for this file. Read only.  上传该文件的Uploader ,只读
remove function() {: Remove this file from the queue  从上传队列移除该文件
upload function() {: Upload this file  上传该文件
cancel function() {: Cancels uploading of this file  取消上传该文件
onBeforeUpload function() {: Fires before uploading an item.  上传该文件之前
onProgress function(progress) {: On file upload progress.  上传该文件的过程
onSuccess function(response, status, headers) {: On file successfully uploaded  成功上传该文件后
onError function(response, status, headers) {: On upload error  上传该文件出错后
onCancel function(response, status, headers) { - On cancel uploading  取消上传该文件后
onComplete function(response, status, headers) {: On file upload complete (independently of the sucess of the operation)  完成上传该文件后
var uploader =newFileUploader({
    filters: [{
        // A user-defined filterfn:function(item) {







<div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" ng-click="cancel()">×</button>
        <h4 class="modal-title fn-ms">{{title}}</h4>

    <div class="panel-body">

        <a href="javascript:;" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow"    class="file_a" >
            <input   type="file" name="file" nv-file-select="" uploader="uploader" multiple  />选择文件
        <div class="col-md-12" style="margin-bottom: 20px">

            <p>队列长度: {{ uploader.queue.length }}</p>

            <table class="table" >
                    <th width="50%">文件名</th>
                    <th ng-show="uploader.isHTML5">文件大小</th>
                    <th ng-show="uploader.isHTML5">进度</th>
                <tr ng-repeat="item in uploader.queue">
                    <td><strong>{{ item.file.name }}</strong></td>
                    <td ng-show="uploader.isHTML5" nowrap>{{ item.file.size/1024/1024|number:2 }} MB</td>
                    <td ng-show="uploader.isHTML5">
                        <div class="progress" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
                            <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" ng-style="{ 'width': item.progress + '%' }"></div>
                    <td class="text-center">
                        <span ng-show="item.isSuccess"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></span>
                        <span ng-show="item.isCancel"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i></span>
                        <span ng-show="item.isError"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i></span>
                    <td nowrap>
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" ng-click="item.upload()" ng-disabled="item.isReady || item.isUploading || item.isSuccess">
                            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span> 上传
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning btn-xs" ng-click="item.cancel()" ng-disabled="!item.isUploading">
                            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span> 关闭
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" ng-click="item.remove(this)">
                            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> 删除

                    <div class="progress" style="">
                        <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" ng-style="{ 'width': uploader.progress + '%' }"></div>

                <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-s" ng-click="uploader.uploadAll()" ng-disabled="!uploader.getNotUploadedItems().length">
                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span>上传所有
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning btn-s" ng-click="uploader.cancelAll()" ng-disabled="!uploader.isUploading">
                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span>关闭所有
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-s" ng-click="uploader.clearQueue()" ng-disabled="!uploader.queue.length">
                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> 删除所有



    <div class="btn-group dropup" style="float: right">

    <div class="panel-footer" style="text-align:center">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary fn-ms"   ng-click="submit()">提交</button>
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary fn-ms"   ng-click="cancel()">关闭</button>


var uploader = $scope.uploader = new FileUploader({

// 回调函数,这里的回调函数上面也有介绍。

uploader.onWhenAddingFileFailed = function(item /*{File|FileLikeObject}*/, filter, options) {
    console.info('onWhenAddingFileFailed', item, filter, options);
uploader.onAfterAddingFile = function(fileItem) {
uploader.onAfterAddingAll = function(addedFileItems) {
    console.info('onAfterAddingAll', addedFileItems);

uploader.onBeforeUploadItem = function(item) {
    console.info('onBeforeUploadItem', item);
uploader.onProgressItem = function(fileItem, progress) {
    console.info('onProgressItem', fileItem, progress);
uploader.onProgressAll = function(progress) {
    console.info('onProgressAll', progress);
uploader.onSuccessItem = function(fileItem, response, status, headers) {
    console.info('onSuccessItem', fileItem, response, status, headers);
uploader.onErrorItem = function(fileItem, response, status, headers) {
    console.info('onErrorItem', fileItem, response, status, headers);
uploader.onCancelItem = function(fileItem, response, status, headers) {
    console.info('onCancelItem', fileItem, response, status, headers);
uploader.onCompleteItem = function(fileItem, response, status, headers) {
uploader.onCompleteAll = function(response) {



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