
Avoid These 3 Gestures In China, Offensive & Impolite

Avoid These 3 Gestures In China, Offensive & Impolite

■ Source: Quora & Fluentu & The China Boss

When in China, there are certain gestures in everyday life that can be misinterpreted.

Whether you speak Chinese or not, it is important to remember that non-verbal communication is just as important as language, and that there are big cultural differences when it comes to the body language and gestures that make up this other realm of language.

Make sure you don't cause unnecessary offense to locals by avoiding these rude gestures while you're in China!


❌Giving the pinky finger

Avoid These 3 Gestures In China, Offensive & Impolite

In China, giving the pinky finger isn’t equivalent to giving the middle finger. However, giving the pinky finger is a form of offence, albeit a small offence.

Giving the pink finger generally means that you think the person on the receiving end is small, weak, feeble and so on. This because the pinky finger is the last/smallest.


❌Pointing with index finger

Avoid These 3 Gestures In China, Offensive & Impolite

If you want to gesture to someone or call them, don’t point your finger at them. This is considered quite rude.

Instead, point with an open hand. This also applies for using your finger to call or beckon someone. Rather make eye contact and nod at them to avoid causing discomfort.


❌Accept gifts with one hand

Avoid These 3 Gestures In China, Offensive & Impolite

When giving a gift, it is considered polite to present it with both hands. Likewise, when receiving a gift, you should accept it with both hands and say thank you. Don’t offer it with just one hand, no matter how small the gift.

It's a sign of respect for the other person--a way of communicating that they have your full attention.

You should also do this when you accept or offer business cards. You want to make sure your potential business associate remembers you for the right reasons, so be sure to use both hands!

Avoid These 3 Gestures In China, Offensive & Impolite
