
cakephp bake(windows)

  1. 建表
  2. 注册php变量,c:/wamp/php 放入path中
  3. cd进入app目录,然后运行php c:/wamp/www/acl/cake/console/cake.php bake(c:/wamp/www/acl是代码根目录)

C:/wamp/www/acl/app>php C:/wamp/www/acl/cake/console/cake.php bake

Welcome to CakePHP v1.3.0-alpha Console


App : app

Path: C:/wamp/www/acl/app


Interactive Bake Shell


[D]atabase Configuration






[T]est case


What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q)

> d


Database Configuration:



[default] > acl

Driver: (db2/firebird/mssql/mysql/mysqli/odbc/oracle/postgres/sqlite/sybase)

[mysql] > mysql

Persistent Connection? (y/n)

[n] > n

Database Host:

[localhost] > localhost


[n] > 3306


[root] > root


> root

Database Name:

[cake] > acl

Table Prefix?

[n] > n

Table encoding?

[n] > n


The following database configuration will be created:


Name:         acl

Driver:       mysql

Persistent:   false

Host:         localhost

Port:         3306

User:         root

Pass:         ****

Database:     acl


Look okay? (y/n)

[y] > y

Do you wish to add another database configuration?

[n] > n

Creating file C:/wamp/www/acl/app/config/database.php

File `C:/wamp/www/acl/app/config/database.php` exists, overwrite? (y/n/q)

[n] > y

Wrote `C:/wamp/www/acl/app/config/database.php`