





On the eve of August 1,in southern China,a joint drill quietly started.First-class sergeant Ye Shengxue is working on huge amount of data,that constantly transmitted to the theater command.Combat orders are distributed to operation centers.


In the surging tide of joint operation practice,a large number of war fighting specialists like Ye,strive for the future, plan for the war, dare to fight, and fight well.Toward the military centenary goal,they speed up building strong defense in the new era.


They emphasize the direction of "war".They are dedicated to the study of war,focusing on changes in science and technology, war and opponents,continuously deepening the study of war and combat issues,focusing on building a "joint operations academy without walls",more flexible tactics to win.


They have anchored themselves to the standard of "war".Practicing hard,focusing on systematic, scientific and technological training, as well as real combat training,comprehensively forging the ability of command and control,continuously improving the level of integrated joint operations,Lifting the battle techniques to higher levels.


They maintain in the state of "war",standing by all the time,insisting on being a soldier, leading a soldier, and getting ready for war,self-consciously strengthening their guts to fight,keeping the alert active all the time,gaining more confidence in balancing with the strong enemy.


Reviewing the history,the invincible code of the PLA,engraved in the monuments forged by the blood and lives of our forefathers tells all.Looking ahead,The oath to win tomorrow's high-end war,echoes between the sea and the sky.All PLA officers and soldiers swore a solemn oath:I devote myself to safeguarding our motherland and strengthening national defense for the party and the people!

