
AWR 与 Statspack 数据的导出与迁移

Statspack 通常创建在Statspack用户下,所以通常迁移时通过按照用户方式导出即可。



file=spuexp.dmp log=spuexp.log compress=y grants=y indexes=y rows=y constraints=y owner=PERFSTAT consistent=y

而 AWR的数据 相对复杂,不能通过简单的用户模式导出,但是Oracle提供了两个脚本:

awrextr.sql 脚本用于导出;awrload.sql 用户AWR数据的加载;而加载后的数据可以通过awrddrpi.sql来生成报告。

官方文档参考:  http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28274/autostat.htm#CHDCGJFA

awrextr.sql 脚本非常易用,但是需要一个Directory路径,缺省的数据库已经创建了备份路径,可以选择已有的路径,如果未有路径,需要创建,可以参考如下过程:




[[email protected] admin]$  sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @?/rdbms/admin/awrextr.sql

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Aug 1 23:39:37 2010

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining

and Real Application Testing options



Disclaimer: This SQL/Plus script should only be called under

the guidance of Oracle Support.







~  This script will extract the AWR data for a range of snapshots  ~

~  into a dump file.  The script will prompt users for the         ~

~  following information:                                          ~

~     (1) database id                                              ~

~     (2) snapshot range to extract                                ~

~     (3) name of directory object                                 ~

~     (4) name of dump file                                        ~


Databases in this Workload Repository schema


   DB Id     DB Name      Host

------------ ------------ ------------

* 3368702614 NAPDB        dbrac1

* 3368702614 NAPDB        dbrac2

The default database id is the local one: '3368702614'.  To use this

database id, press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.

Enter value for dbid: 

Using 3368702614 for Database ID

Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from


Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent

(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without

specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.

Enter value for num_days: 

Listing all Completed Snapshots

DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started

------------ --------- ------------------

NAPDB            22492 01 Aug 2010 10:00

                 22493 01 Aug 2010 11:00

                 22494 01 Aug 2010 12:00

                 22495 01 Aug 2010 13:00

                 22496 01 Aug 2010 14:00

                 22497 01 Aug 2010 15:00

                 22498 01 Aug 2010 16:00

                 22499 01 Aug 2010 17:00

                 22500 01 Aug 2010 18:00

                 22501 01 Aug 2010 19:00

                 22502 01 Aug 2010 20:00

                 22503 01 Aug 2010 21:00

                 22504 01 Aug 2010 22:00

                 22505 01 Aug 2010 23:00

Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids


Enter value for begin_snap: 22338

Begin Snapshot Id specified: 22338

Enter value for end_snap: 22505

End   Snapshot Id specified: 22505

Specify the Directory Name


Directory Name                 Directory Path

------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------

ADMIN_DIR                      /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/md/admin

DATA_PUMP_DIR                  /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/rdbms/log/

DUMP                           /opt/oracle/backup/

ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR          /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/ccr/state

WORK_DIR                       /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/work

Choose a Directory Name from the above list (case-sensitive).

Enter value for directory_name: DUMP

Using the dump directory: DUMP

Specify the Name of the Extract Dump File


The prefix for the default dump file name is awrdat_22338_22505.

To use this name, press <return> to continue, otherwise enter

an alternative.

Enter value for file_name: 

Using the dump file prefix: awrdat_22338_22505


| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

|  The AWR extract dump file will be located

|  in the following directory/file:

|   /opt/oracle/backup/

|   awrdat_22338_22505.dmp

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


|  *** AWR Extract Started ...


|  This operation will take a few moments. The

|  progress of the AWR extract operation can be

|  monitored in the following directory/file:

|   /opt/oracle/backup/

|   awrdat_22338_22505.log


WHERE (dbid, snap_id) IN (SELECT dbid, snap_id FROM SYS.WRM$_SNAPSHOT WHERE DBID = 3368702614 AND SNAP_ID >=

22338 AND SNAP_ID <= 22505 AND STATUS   = 0 AND BL_MOVED = 1)

Table List String Length: 2212



























Starting "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01":

Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...

Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA

Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 125.4 MB

Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE



Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENT


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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22436"  993.8 KB   18912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ENQUEUE_STAT"                   1.368 MB   26228 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22340"  993.1 KB   18912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22412"  993.6 KB   18912 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22316"  91.44 KB    1576 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22364"  993.1 KB   18912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22460"  994.1 KB   18912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22484"  911.6 KB   17336 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22316"  106.6 KB     362 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22340"  960.7 KB    4115 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22364"  932.1 KB    3966 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22388"  945.0 KB    4021 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22436"  953.4 KB    4065 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22460"  942.2 KB    4031 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY"              804.0 KB   16159 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22484"  863.8 KB    3685 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22316"  50.98 KB    1060 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22340"  537.4 KB   12720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22364"  537.4 KB   12720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22388"  536.9 KB   12720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22412"  537.4 KB   12720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22436"  537.4 KB   12720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22460"  537.4 KB   12720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22412"  498.8 KB    4340 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22316"  50.01 KB    1520 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22340"  532.7 KB   18240 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22364"  532.9 KB   18240 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22388"  532.3 KB   18240 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22412"  533.1 KB   18240 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22436"  533.1 KB   18240 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22460"  533.2 KB   18240 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22436"  502.0 KB    4359 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22484"  488.6 KB   16720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22316"  56.41 KB     356 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22340"  491.0 KB    4269 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22388"  492.4 KB    4283 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22460"  498.1 KB    4321 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22484"  453.9 KB    3930 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22316"  34.68 KB     438 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22340"  339.8 KB    5274 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22412"  353.6 KB    5481 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PGASTAT"                        245.6 KB    5042 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE"             273.8 KB    4704 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22364"  340.8 KB    5288 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22388"  346.3 KB    5377 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22436"  359.7 KB    5567 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22460"  364.9 KB    5644 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22484"  340.5 KB    5265 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LIBRARYCACHE"                   225.7 KB    3696 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE"              227.0 KB    4704 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22412"  248.2 KB    6720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22436"  248.2 KB    6720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQL_BIND_METADATA"              98.46 KB    1591 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22316"  32.88 KB     702 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22340"  320.2 KB    8424 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22364"  320.3 KB    8424 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22388"  320.3 KB    8428 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22412"  321.4 KB    8448 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22436"  321.6 KB    8448 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22460"  321.7 KB    8448 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22484"  295.5 KB    7754 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22316"  26.58 KB     560 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22340"  248.2 KB    6720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22364"  248.2 KB    6720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM"         116.3 KB    2688 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22316"  22.53 KB     316 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22340"  199.6 KB    3792 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22364"  199.6 KB    3792 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22388"  199.5 KB    3792 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22412"  199.7 KB    3792 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22436"  199.7 KB    3792 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22460"  199.7 KB    3792 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22484"  183.5 KB    3476 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_RESOURCE_LIMIT"                 169.8 KB    2688 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22388"  247.9 KB    6720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22460"  248.2 KB    6720 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22484"  227.8 KB    6160 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_SPACE_USAGE"         198.3 KB    3696 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PROCESS_MEMORY_SUMMARY"         103.6 KB    1344 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22316"  21.36 KB     188 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22364"  151.8 KB    2256 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22388"  151.7 KB    2256 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22412"  151.8 KB    2256 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22436"  151.8 KB    2256 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22460"  151.9 KB    2256 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22484"  140.0 KB    2068 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT_OBJ"                   91.78 KB     820 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE"              101.3 KB    2688 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_STAT_NAME"                      23.00 KB     397 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22316"  22.92 KB      40 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22340"  82.86 KB     393 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22364"  80.17 KB     384 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22388"  79.32 KB     379 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22412"  78.11 KB     373 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22436"  86.60 KB     426 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22460"  75.10 KB     364 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22316"  13.99 KB      84 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22340"     73 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22364"     73 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22388"  72.93 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22412"  72.97 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22436"  73.00 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22460"  73.02 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22484"  67.55 KB     924 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILESTATXS":"WRH$_FILEST_3368702614_22316"  14.31 KB      88 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILESTATXS":"WRH$_FILEST_3368702614_22412"  70.71 KB    1056 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILESTATXS":"WRH$_FILEST_3368702614_22436"  70.71 KB    1056 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILESTATXS":"WRH$_FILEST_3368702614_22460"  70.64 KB    1056 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22340"  17.66 KB     192 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22364"  17.67 KB     192 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22388"  17.67 KB     192 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22412"  17.71 KB     192 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22436"  17.73 KB     192 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22460"  17.73 KB     192 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22484"  16.90 KB     176 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE"               35.28 KB     672 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OPTIMIZER_ENV"                  7.468 KB      10 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22316"  7.289 KB      44 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22340"  20.01 KB     528 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22364"  20.03 KB     528 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22388"  20.02 KB     528 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22412"  20.01 KB     528 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22436"     20 KB     528 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22460"  20.02 KB     528 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22484"  18.83 KB     484 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22316"  12.84 KB     114 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22340"  76.30 KB    1368 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22364"  76.34 KB    1368 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22388"  76.29 KB    1368 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22412"  76.39 KB    1368 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22436"  76.38 KB    1368 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22460"  76.38 KB    1368 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22484"  70.54 KB    1254 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGA"                            57.61 KB    1344 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22316"  12.51 KB     126 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22340"  79.11 KB    1504 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22364"  77.65 KB    1472 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22388"  77.28 KB    1465 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22412"  77.28 KB    1464 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22436"  77.28 KB    1464 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22460"  77.29 KB    1464 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22484"  72.67 KB    1372 rows

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. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22340"  34.30 KB     912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22364"  34.30 KB     912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22388"  34.28 KB     912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22412"  34.35 KB     912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22436"  34.33 KB     912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22460"  34.34 KB     912 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22484"  31.98 KB     836 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22316"  12.99 KB      84 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22340"  71.42 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22364"  71.42 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22388"  71.39 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22412"  71.42 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22436"  71.42 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22460"  71.42 KB    1008 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22484"  66.07 KB     924 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TEMPSTATXS"                     27.86 KB     336 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_THREAD"                         36.22 KB     672 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22316"  9.062 KB      72 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22340"     38 KB     864 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22364"  38.00 KB     864 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22388"  37.99 KB     864 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22412"  38.03 KB     864 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22436"  38.04 KB     864 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22460"  38.05 KB     864 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22484"  35.40 KB     792 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRM$_DATABASE_INSTANCE"              7.523 KB       2 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRM$_SNAPSHOT"                       32.67 KB     336 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_EVENT_NAME"                     69.06 KB     890 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER_NAME"                 64.91 KB    1495 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_COMP_IOSTAT"                    16.77 KB     168 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DATAFILE"                       8.898 KB      22 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_NAME"                     22.87 KB     395 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_METRIC_NAME"                    24.89 KB     212 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT_NAME"                    5.812 KB      11 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_RULE_SET"                       18.45 KB     168 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_NAME"                       6 KB       5 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SESS_TIME_STATS"                23.92 KB     336 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TEMPFILE"                       7.117 KB       1 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRM$_WR_CONTROL"                     10.14 KB       1 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY":"WRH$_ACTIVE_SES_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY_BL"          0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_BUFFERED_QUEUES"                    0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS"               0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CACHE_AD_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE":"WRH$_DB_CAC_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE_BL"                 0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MISC_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC":"WRH$_DLM_MI_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_DLM_MISC_BL"                        0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY"                 0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILESTATXS":"WRH$_FILESTATXS_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILESTATXS":"WRH$_FILEST_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_FILESTATXS_BL"                      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_CACHE_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER":"WRH$_INST_C_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER_BL"             0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH":"WRH$_LATCH_MXDB_MXSN"       0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_BL"                           0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_CHILDREN":"WRH$_LATCH_CHILD_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_CHILDREN":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_0"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_CHILDREN_BL"                  0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH_MISSE_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY_BL"            0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_PARENT":"WRH$_LATCH_PAREN_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_PARENT":"WRH$_LATCH__3368702614_0"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_LATCH_PARENT_BL"                    0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE"                 0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT":"WRH$_OSSTAT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_OSSTAT_BL"                          0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAMETER_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER":"WRH$_PARAME_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_PARAMETER_BL"                       0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCACHE_SU_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY":"WRH$_ROWCAC_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY_BL"                0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_STAT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT":"WRH$_SEG_ST_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SEG_STAT_BL"                        0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVICE_STAT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_STAT_BL"                    0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS":"WRH$_SERVIC_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS_BL"              0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY"                 0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTAT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT":"WRH$_SGASTA_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SGASTAT_BL"                         0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTAT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT":"WRH$_SQLSTA_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SQLSTAT_BL"                         0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM"                  0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_STREAMS_CAPTURE"                    0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTAT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT":"WRH$_SYSSTA_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSSTAT_BL"                         0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT":"WRH$_SYSTEM_EVEN_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT_BL"                    0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TIME_MO_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL":"WRH$_SYS_TI_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL_BL"                  0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLESPACE_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT":"WRH$_TABLES_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT_BL"                 0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITSTAT_MXDB_MXSN"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT":"WRH$_WAITST_3368702614_22508"      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRH$_WAITSTAT_BL"                        0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRM$_SNAP_ERROR"                         0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRR$_CAPTURES"                           0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRR$_CAPTURE_STATS"                      0 KB       0 rows

. . exported "SYS"."WRR$_FILTERS"                            0 KB       0 rows

Master table "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded


Dump file set for SYS.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01 is:


Job "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully completed at 23:41:54


SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/awrload





~  This script will load the AWR data from a dump file. The   ~

~  script will prompt users for the following information:    ~

~     (1) name of directory object                            ~

~     (2) name of dump file                                   ~

~     (3) staging schema name to load AWR data into           ~


Specify the Directory Name


Directory Name                 Directory Path

------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------

DADI                           E:\01.Custom\AWRStat

DATA_PUMP_DIR                  D:\oracle\admin\eyglee\dpdump\

EXDATA                         d:\oracle\exdata\

ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR          D:\oracle\11.2.0\ccr\state

XMLDIR                         c:\ade\aime_dadvfm0254\oracle\rdbms\xml

Choose a Directory Name from the list above (case-sensitive).

Enter value for directory_name: DADI

Using the dump directory: DADI

Specify the Name of the Dump File to Load


Please specify the prefix of the dump file (.dmp) to load:

Enter value for file_name:  awrdat_46145_46197

Loading from the file name: awrdat_46145_46197.dmp

Staging Schema to Load AWR Snapshot Data


The next step is to create the staging schema

where the AWR snapshot data will be loaded.

After loading the data into the staging schema,

the data will be transferred into the AWR tables

in the SYS schema.

The default staging schema name is AWR_STAGE.

To use this name, press <return> to continue, otherwise enter

an alternative.

Enter value for schema_name:

Using the staging schema name: AWR_STAGE

Choose the Default tablespace for the AWR_STAGE user


Choose the AWR_STAGE users's default tablespace.  This is the

tablespace in which the AWR data will be staged.


------------------------------ --------- ------------------

SYSAUX                         PERMANENT *

USERS                          PERMANENT

ZTRY                           PERMANENT

Pressing <return> will result in the recommended default

tablespace (identified by *) being used.

Enter value for default_tablespace:

Using tablespace SYSAUX as the default tablespace for the AWR_STAGE

Choose the Temporary tablespace for the AWR_STAGE user


Choose the AWR_STAGE user's temporary tablespace.


------------------------------ --------- -----------------------

TEMP                           TEMPORARY *

Pressing <return> will result in the database's default temporary

tablespace (identified by *) being used.

Enter value for temporary_tablespace:

Using tablespace TEMP as the temporary tablespace for AWR_STAGE

... Creating AWR_STAGE user


| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

|  Loading the AWR data from the following

|  directory/file:

|   E:\01.Custom\AWRStat

|   awrdat_46145_46197.dmp

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


|  *** AWR Load Started ...


|  This operation will take a few moments. The

|  progress of the AWR load operation can be

|  monitored in the following directory/file:

|   E:\01.Custom\AWRStat

|   awrdat_46145_46197.log


... Dropping AWR_STAGE user

End of AWR Load

