
学习笔记-Docker 数据管理

学习笔记-Docker 数据管理


Docker 有两种数据管理模式:
    挂载主机目录 (Bind mounts)           

主机目录挂载 时 -v 和 --mount 区别

对比项 bind mount volume
Source位置 用户指定 /var/lib/docker/volumes/
Source为空 覆盖dest为空 保留dest内容
Source非空 覆盖dest内容 覆盖dest内容
Source种类 文件或目录 只能是目录
可移植性 一般(自行维护) 强(docker托管)
宿主直接访问 容易(仅需chown) 受限(需登陆root用户)*
如果主机路径不存在 自动创建 命令报错


数据卷 是一个供一个或多个容器使用的特殊目录,它绕过 UFS,可以提供很多有用的特性
    数据卷 可以在容器之间共享和重用
    对 数据卷 的修改会立马生效
    对 数据卷 的更新,不会影响镜像
    数据卷 默认会一直存在,即使容器被删除           


#    创建一个本地数据卷
docker volume create {卷名}
docker volume create my-vol           


#    显示 本地数据卷 列表
docker volume ls
#    显示 数据卷 元信息
docker volume inspect {卷名}
docker volume inspect my-vol           
学习笔记-Docker 数据管理


#    启动容器,挂载数据卷 my-vol 为 容器路径 /usr/share/nginx/html
#    等同于 -v my-vol:/usr/share/nginx/html
docker run -d -P \
    --name web \
    --mount source=my-vol,target=/usr/share/nginx/html \

查看 数据卷 详细信息

#    获取 容器 元数据
docker inspect {容器名/镜像名}
docker inspect web           
学习笔记-Docker 数据管理

删除 数据卷

#    删除 数据卷
docker volume rm {卷名}
docker volume rm my-vol           



#    命令语法
#    默认本地为读写权限,可以增加,readonly设置只读权限
docker run -d -P \
    --name {容器名} \
    --mount type=bind,source={本机路径},target={容器路径}{,readonly} \
#    启动容器 采用绑定(bind)模式,映射本地 /src/webapp 到 容器的 /usr/share/nginx/html
#    相当于 -v /src/webapp:/usr/share/nginx/html
docker run -d -P \
    --name web \
    --mount type=bind,source=/src/webapp,target=/usr/share/nginx/html \
#    只读方式映射本地路径
docker run -d -P \
    --name web \
    --mount type=bind,source=/src/webapp,target=/usr/share/nginx/html,readonly \
#    查看 容器 元数据
docker inspect web           


学习笔记-Docker 数据管理


学习笔记-Docker 数据管理

容器 元数据

学习笔记-Docker 数据管理


#    挂载一个主机文件到

#    启动容器 采用绑定(bind)模式,映射本地 $HOME/.bash_history 文件 到 容器的 /root/.bash_history 文件
#    相当于 -v $HOME/.bash_history:/root/.bash_history \
docker run --rm -it \
   --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.bash_history,target=/root/.bash_history \
   ubuntu:18.04 \


DOCKER(1)                          JUNE 2014                         DOCKER(1)

       docker-run - Run a command in a new container

       docker run

       --mount type=TYPE,TYPE-SPECIFIC-OPTION[,...]
          Attach a filesystem mount to the container

       Current supported mount TYPES are bind, volume, and tmpfs.





       Common Options:

              · src, source: mount source spec for bind and volume. Mandatory
                for bind.

              · dst, destination, target: mount destination spec.

              · ro, readonly: true or false (default).

       Note: setting readonly for a bind mount does not make its submounts
          read-only on the current Linux implementation. See also

       Options specific to bind:

              · bind-propagation: shared, slave, private, rshared, rslave, or
                rprivate(default). See also mount(2).

              · consistency: consistent(default), cached, or delegated.
                Currently, only effective for Docker for Mac.

              · bind-nonrecursive: true or false (default). If set to true,
                submounts are not recursively bind-mounted. This option is
                useful for readonly bind mount.

       Options specific to volume:

              · volume-driver: Name of the volume-driver plugin.

              · volume-label: Custom metadata.

              · volume-nocopy: true(default) or false. If set to false, the
                Engine copies existing files and directories under the
                mount-path into the volume, allowing the host to access them.

              · volume-opt: specific to a given volume driver.
       Options specific to tmpfs:

              · tmpfs-size: Size of the tmpfs mount in bytes. Unlimited by
                default in Linux.

              · tmpfs-mode: File mode of the tmpfs in octal. (e.g. 700 or
                0700.) Defaults to 1777 in Linux.

          Create a bind mount. If you specify, -v /HOST-DIR:/CONTAINER-DIR,
          bind mounts /HOST-DIR in the host to /CONTAINER-DIR in the Docker
          container. If 'HOST-DIR' is omitted,  Docker automatically creates
       the new
          volume on the host.  The OPTIONS are a comma delimited list and can

              · [rw|ro]

              · [z|Z]

              · [[r]shared|[r]slave|[r]private]

              · [delegated|cached|consistent]

              · [nocopy]

       The CONTAINER-DIR must be an absolute path such as /src/docs. The
       HOST-DIR can be an absolute path or a name value. A name value must
       start with an alphanumeric character, followed by a-z0-9, _
       (underscore), . (period) or - (hyphen). An absolute path starts with a
       / (forward slash).

       If you supply a HOST-DIR that is an absolute path,  Docker bind-mounts
       to the path you specify. If you supply a name, Docker creates a named
       volume by that name. For example, you can specify either /foo or foo
       for a HOST-DIR value. If you supply the /foo value, Docker creates a
       bind mount. If you supply the foo specification, Docker creates a named

       You can specify multiple  -v options to mount one or more mounts to a
       container. To use these same mounts in other containers, specify the
       --volumes-from option also.

       You can supply additional options for each bind mount following an
       additional colon.  A :ro or :rw suffix mounts a volume in read-only or
       read-write mode, respectively. By default, volumes are mounted in
       read-write mode.  You can also specify the consistency requirement for
       the mount, either :consistent (the default), :cached, or :delegated.
       Multiple options are separated by commas, e.g. :ro,cached.

       Labeling systems like SELinux require that proper labels are placed on
       volume content mounted into a container. Without a label, the security
       system might prevent the processes running inside the container from
       using the content. By default, Docker does not change the labels set by
       the OS.

       To change a label in the container context, you can add either of two
       suffixes :z or :Z to the volume mount. These suffixes tell Docker to
       relabel file objects on the shared volumes. The z option tells Docker
       that two containers share the volume content. As a result, Docker
       labels the content with a shared content label. Shared volume labels
       allow all containers to read/write content.  The Z option tells Docker
       to label the content with a private unshared label.  Only the current
       container can use a private volume.

       By default bind mounted volumes are private. That means any mounts done
       inside container will not be visible on host and vice-a-versa. One can
       change this behavior by specifying a volume mount propagation property.
       Making a volume shared mounts done under that volume inside container
       will be visible on host and vice-a-versa. Making a volume slave enables
       only one way mount propagation and that is mounts done on host under
       that volume will be visible inside container but not the other way

       To control mount propagation property of volume one can use :[r]shared,
       :[r]slave or :[r]private propagation flag. Propagation property can be
       specified only for bind mounted volumes and not for internal volumes or
       named volumes. For mount propagation to work source mount point (mount
       point where source dir is mounted on) has to have right propagation
       properties. For shared volumes, source mount point has to be shared.
       And for slave volumes, source mount has to be either shared or slave.

       Use df <source-dir> to figure out the source mount and then use findmnt
       -o TARGET,PROPAGATION <source-mount-dir> to figure out propagation
       properties of source mount. If findmnt utility is not available, then
       one can look at mount entry for source mount point in
       /proc/self/mountinfo. Look at optional fields and see if any
       propagation properties are specified.  shared:X means mount is shared,
       master:X means mount is slave and if nothing is there that means mount
       is private.

       To change propagation properties of a mount point use mount command.
       For example, if one wants to bind mount source directory /foo one can
       do mount --bind /foo /foo and mount --make-private --make-shared /foo.
       This will convert /foo into a shared mount point. Alternatively one can
       directly change propagation properties of source mount. Say / is source
       mount for /foo, then use mount --make-shared / to convert / into a
       shared mount.

              Note: When using systemd to manage the Docker daemon's start and
              stop, in the systemd unit file there is an option to control
              mount propagation for the Docker daemon itself, called
              MountFlags. The value of this setting may cause Docker to not
              see mount propagation changes made on the mount point. For
              example, if this value is slave, you may not be able to use the
              shared or rshared propagation on a volume.

       To disable automatic copying of data from the container path to the
       volume, use the nocopy flag. The nocopy flag can be set on bind mounts
       and named volumes.

       See also --mount, which is the successor of --tmpfs and --volume.  Even
       though there is no plan to deprecate --volume, usage of --mount is

Docker Community              Docker User Manuals                    DOCKER(1)
