

中文含义 English
授权/授命进行的工作 mandate
地雷工兵 sapper
复员/遣散 demobilize
监督 supervise
分遣队 detachment
停火 ceasefire
停战/休战 truce
不作为 inactivity
维和人员 Blue Beret
开辟通道-一种运用现有的任何手段在敌人的雷场或防御工事中打开一条通道 military breaching
缴械/解除武装 disarmament
同意 consent
公正 impartiality
公正的/不偏不倚的 impartial
扫雷/排雷 mine clearance
中立 neutrality
撤退 withdrawal
难民 refugee
地雷 landmine
反击/报复 retaliation
合法 legitimacy
(联合国)安全理事会 Security Council
简报 briefing
侦察,搜索 scout
重武器 crew-served weapons(CSW)
战术控制措施 Tactical Control Measures(TCM)
检查点 checkpoint(CP)
集结点 Rally point
单元边界 unit boundaries
快速反应部队 Quick Reaction Force(QRF)
(汽车或机器的)故障,损坏 breakdown
车队指挥官 convoy commander(CC)
n. 护送者,护卫队,护航舰v. 押送;护送,护卫 escort
释放点 release point(RP)
报告点 reporting point
出发点 start point(SP)
十字路口;交叉路;岔道;重大的抉择关头 crossroad
弯道 curve
(公路或铁路的)交叉口,岔道口;汇合处,交叉点; junction
路障 roadblock
休息区 rest area
道路施工 roadworks
环岛,环形交叉路口 roundabout
路标;指示牌 signpost
谈判,磋商 negotiate

Good morning, everyone. I’m here to brief you on the convoy operation for tomorrow.

Our mission is to escort humanitarian aid trucks from SUN to the village of Li. We

will leave the base SUN at 0600 hours and our estimated time of arrival at Li is 1200

hours. The total distance of our route is about 160 kilometers. All vehicles in the

convoy will come under my command at the start point. We will stop to report twice

during the movement. We’ll take the S301 southward. We will continue along the

S301 for about sixty kilometers until we reach the junction. This is our first reporting

point, A1. Our ETA at A1 is 0800 hours and we’ll stop for a twenty-minute rest.

When we leave A1, continue along S301 for another forty kilometers until we reach

the second junction. Our second reporting point, A2 is just at the junction. Our estimated time of arrival at A2 is 0940 hours. We will stop for another twenty minutes.

We will take D102 southward after we leave A2 for about sixty kilometers. Follow the

signpost Li. Our estimated time of arrival at Li is 1200 hours.
