
C++ STL : std::string

练习下C++ STL中std::string类的常用方法,方便以后查阅。


#include <assert.h>
#include <string>

inline void testString()
	std::string str1("hello Jim, welcome to china.");		//直接初始化,调用构造函数
	std::string str2(str1);									//直接初始化,调用拷贝构造函数
	std::string str3 = "hello Jim, welcome to china.";		//拷贝初始化,调用构造函数
	std::string str4 = str3;								//拷贝初始化,调用拷贝构造函数
	std::string str5 = std::string("hello Jim, welcome to china."); //同str3
	std::size_t pos = str1.find("Jim");
	assert(pos == 6);

	pos = str1.find(',');
	assert(pos == 9);

	pos = str1.rfind("Jim");
	assert(pos == 6);

	pos = str1.find_first_of(",:.");
	assert(pos == 9);

	pos = str1.find_last_of(",:.");
	assert(pos == 27);
	std::string frontstr = str1.substr(0, str1.find("Jim"));
	assert(frontstr == "hello ");
	std::string backstr = str1.substr(str1.find("Jim"), str1.size());
	assert(backstr == "Jim, welcome to china.");

	str1 = frontstr.append(backstr);
	assert(str1=="hello Jim, welcome to china.");
	str1.replace(str1.find("Jim"), strlen("Jim"), "Jack");
	str1.erase(str1.find("hello "), strlen("hello "));

	assert(str1=="hello Jim, welcome to china.");
	assert(str2=="Jack, welcome to china.");

	int compare = str1.compare(str2);
	assert(compare == 1);				//小写字母的ascii码大于大写字母

	str1.insert(str1.find("Jim")+strlen("Jim"), " Green");
	assert(str1 == "hello Jim Green, welcome to china.");
