
QTP-21 Working with XML 与XML交互21 Working with XML

21 Working with XML

Concept: QTP provides a built-in utility object tomanipulate XML, but the function are not documented in QTP user manual butonline Help.

21.1 QTP XML Objects

QTP provides a rich set of utility XML objects:

XMLUtil: The object used to access and return XML objects.
XMLAttribute: An object representing an XML element attribute.
XMLAttributesColl: An object representing a collection of element attributes.
XMLElement: An object representing an XML element.
XMLElementsColl: An object representing a collection of XML elements.
XMLData: An object representing an XML block.
XMLItemColl: An object representing a collection of XML items.

21.2 How to copy an XML and save it to another XML?

'Method 1

Set XMLObj = XMLUtil.CreateXML()


XMLObj.SaveFile "C:\Users\tanxing\Desktop\XMLTest_2.xml"

Set XMLObj = Nothing

'Method 2

Set XMLObj = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile("C:\Users \XMLTest.xml")

XMLObj.SaveFile "C:\Users\tanxing\Desktop\XMLTest_3.xml"

Set XMLObj = Nothing

'Method 3

Set xmlDocument = XMLUtil.CreateXMLfromFile ("C:\Users \XMLTest.xml")

sXML = xmlDocument.ToString

Set xmlDoc2 = XMLUtil.CreateXML()

xmlDoc2.Load sXML

xmlDoc2.SaveFile "C:\Users\tanxing\Desktop\XMLTest_2.xml"

Set xmlDocument = Nothing

Set xmlDoc2 = Nothing

21.2 How to create the following XML at run-time in QTP, and then save theXML?












‘QTP code:

Set xmlDoc=XMLUtil.CreateXML

'Create a document with Environment as the root node

xmlDoc.CreateDocument "Environment"

'Get the root nod element.

'The data type returned would be of type XMLElement

Set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.GetRootElement()

'Add a new variable node

Call xmlRoot.AddChildElementByName("Variable","")

Set newNode = xmlRoot.ChildElementsByPath("//Variable")

'Go to the last matching node

Set newNode = newNode.Item(newNode.Count)

'Add the name and value child nodes

newNode.AddChildElementByName "Name","FirstName"

newNode.AddChildElementByName "Value","Tarun"

'Add a new variable node

Call xmlRoot.AddChildElementByName("Variable","")

Set newNode = xmlRoot.ChildElementsByPath("//Variable")

'Go to the last matching node

Set newNode = newNode.Item(newNode.Count)

'Add the name and value child nodes

newNode.AddChildElementByName "Name","LastName"

newNode.AddChildElementByName "Value","Lalwani"

xmlDoc.SaveFile "C:\Users\tanxing\Desktop\XMLTest_2.xml"

Set newNode = Nothing

Set xmlRoot = Nothing

Set xmlDoc = Nothing

21.3 How to load environment variables from multiple XML files?

QTP’s Environment.LoadFromFile has a disadvantage, it doesnot allow load multiple environment files.

Key Code are as following, note that variable in XML shouldnot contain any environment variable from LoadFromFile& Associated environment Libraries(Need function to test this in project).

Set xmlDoc = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile (FileName)

               Set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.GetRootElement()

               'Get all the variables node

               Set xmlValues = xmlRoot.ChildElementsByPath("Variable")

               'Loop through all variable nodes

               For i= 1 to xmlValues.Count

                              Set xmlElement = xmlValues.Item(i)

                              sName = xmlElement.ChildElementsByPath("Name").item(1).value

                              sValue = xmlElement.ChildElementsByPath("Value").item(1).value


21.4 How can we modify the contents of an XML file?












‘QTP code:(修改varNam的值为varVal)

Set xmlDoc = XMLUtil.CreateXML ()

Set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.GetRootElement()

Set xmlCol = xmlRoot.ChildElementsByPath ("/Environment/Variable")

For i =1 to xmlCol.count

               'Look for the Name child from current node

               If xmlCol.item(i).ChildElementsByPath ("./Name").item(1).Value = varNam Then

                              'Set the value for Value node

                              xmlCol.item(i).ChildElementsByPath ("./Value").item(1).SetValue varVal

                              Exit Function

               End if


Note: The ChildElementsByPath allow using relative path. ChildElementsByPathmethod is XPath (more detail: http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_intro.asp).To validate a unique name in the XML we use \\<NodeName>as the Xpath and validate the value.

21.5 Exporting XML to a DataTable.


               For i =1 to xmlCols.count

                              Set xmlCol = xmlCols.item(i)

                              iCount = xmlCol.ChildElements().Count

                              'Loop through direct childrens

                              For j = 1 to iCount

                                             sParamName = xmlCol.ChildElements.item(i).ElementName()

                                             sParamValue = xmlCol.ChildElements.item(i).Value()

                                             oDataTable.GetParameter(sParamName).Value = sParamValue


                              oDataTable.SetCurrentRow i + 1


21.6 How can we extract XML from browser and save XML?

Note: the same way extract XML from local. Ref the 21.1.

sURL = "www.baidu.com\XMLTest.xml"

SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", sURL

Set xmlDoc = Browser("creationtime:=0").WebXML("micClass:=WebXML").GetData()

xmlDoc.SaveFile "C:\Users\tanxing\Desktop\XMLTest2.xml"

21.7 How can we compare two XML documents for equality?

Set XMLObj1 = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile("C:\Users \XMLTest1.xml")

Set XMLObj2 = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile("C:\Users \XMLTest2.xml")

isEqual = XMLObj1.Compare(XMLObj2)        ‘return 1 if equal

21.8 How can we compare two XML file with different ordering of nodes?














