



如何教自己的女儿选择人生伴侣?这是一个非常重要的人生课题,股神巴菲特这样告诫自己的女儿:the ancient god buff havewarned his daughter like this.她说孩子请你记住。

he said children please remember 最佳的伴侣应该是你人生战场的盟友。the best partner should be the ally of your life.


·血栓instead of finding someone to satisfy your laziness and incompetence.仔细想一想,男孩子帮你削个水果。

·get up in the middle of the night to buy you supper.这不算什么稀缺?this is not scarce and nothing.

·而往往就是这些低成本的付出。these low cost payments.

·最容易让一些女孩子感动。the easiest to move some girls.

其实真正稀缺的资源应该是男孩的谈吐知识面,should be the knowledge of the South china Sea.

·以及他的眼界眼光和稳定的情绪,and his vision and stable emotions。不要小看了这些特质这些简单的字眼。don't underestimate these straits,and these simple words behind it.它的背后是需要耗费巨大成本的。it takes huge costs,it is a boy that can be encountered and unavailable.

·一个男孩子想要具备这些特质,want to have these straits.

it takes more than 10 years of growth and grinding.而且要接受良好的教育和培养。

·and to receive goodeducation and training。是很多恋爱中的女孩子,it's a lot of girls in love.

it is the easiest to be moved.by those low cost details.最容易被那些低成本的细节所感动。

·send a small gift or something.送个小礼物什么的就感动的一塌。so I was moved a mess,this is a lack of wisdom。

自古以来就不断有人在告诉男人们since ancient times,娶妻要娶钱,get money to marry a wife?告诉女人们结了婚要做个贤妻良,a good wife and mother no one tells women marry someone to marry virtue?

那么什么叫嫁德?as the name suggests it is 外国语,this means that the line is upright moral goodness.refers to the responsibility of men's character knowledge。

这些才是女孩子以后跟着男人成 the future。

所以你也要告诉你的女儿,低成本的细节所打动,更不要想着以后试图去改变他,你应该试着把他的缺点放大,然后问问自己:it after picking up because this is likely to be what he looks like after marriage。

这句话你可以好好的体会一下。sentence learn to stand on a higher perspective to examine your future marriage and partner。

以上那些特质特别重要,the above characteristics areparticularly important。

如果您家里有女儿,if you have a daughter at home I suggest you collect it people have not come back in this life。

choose the right partner about the happiness of her。小红书

