
【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5

摘录 - 1:

请问 python3.5 可以使用哪个工具来代替 supervisor 呢?

vainpray · 2017-07-29 14:44:37 +08:00 · 5303 次点击

这是一个创建于 705 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

请问 python3.5 可以使用哪个工具来代替 supervisor 呢? supervisor 只支持 python2,好苦闷…(同样让人苦闷的还有 fabric …不过好在 fabric3 和 fabric 目前只差了一个小版本) 

查到一个包叫做 circus,不过查看 circus 的文档上说 circus 支持到 python3.3,不知道用在 3.5 上会不会有什么问题…请问各位使用 py3.5+的使用什么工具代替 supervisor 呢

  •  Supervisor
  •  Circus
  •  Python
  •  请问

11 回复  |  直到 2017-08-03 14:51:08 +08:00

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


tammy   2017-07-29 15:02:46 +08:00

装个 py2,用 py2 跑 supervisor 咯

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


weakish   2017-07-29 16:25:02 +08:00

没有特殊需求的话任意语言写的 supervisor 都可以,毕竟管理的是 process

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


infun   2017-07-29 20:16:51 +08:00


【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


LokiSharp   2017-07-29 21:16:46 +08:00

装个 python 2 啊。。。又不冲突

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


iakisey   2017-07-29 21:20:36 +08:00

supervisor 4.0.0.dev0 已经支持 python3 了,

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


vainpray   2017-07-30 07:07:16 +08:00

@iakisey 我之前看 supervisor 的文档上强调说,千万不能将 supervisor4 用在生产环境上…我是想用在生产环境做进程管理,所以没敢上(⊙﹏⊙)b

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


iakisey   2017-07-30 07:51:42 +08:00 via iPhone

@vainpray 我这边已经在线上用了。。。。。

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


vainpray   2017-07-30 15:35:34 +08:00

@iakisey 额…用起来怎么样?有没有遇到什么坑?稳定吗

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


iakisey   2017-07-30 21:49:45 +08:00 via iPhone

@vainpray 蛮稳定的,没出现错过

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


simpleapples   2017-07-30 23:34:02 +08:00

我司线上就是 py2 环境下的 supervisor 跑 py3 的 web 项目 两年多来没遇到过什么问题

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


ossicee   2017-08-03 14:51:08 +08:00 via Android


摘要 - 2:

Want to use supervisord to control the processes for my Python 3 project. It is specifically stated that "Supervisor is known to work with Python 2.4 or later but will not work under any version of Python 3".

Any suggestions for supervisor replacement for Python 3?

python python-3.x supervisord

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edited Nov 6 '13 at 23:20

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5

Martijn Pieters♦

744k157157 gold badges26782678 silver badges24122412 bronze badges

asked Nov 5 '13 at 19:10

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


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5 Answers



The upcoming 4.0 release of Supervisord will support Python 2.7, and 3.4 and up. Until then, you could use the 



Or simply run 


 with Python 2; your Python 3 codebase is otherwise unaffected, as 


 is an independent process.

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edited Jul 25 '18 at 6:50

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


31233 silver badges1515 bronze badges

answered Nov 6 '13 at 23:23

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5

Martijn Pieters♦

744k157157 gold badges26782678 silver badges24122412 bronze badges

  • 1

    Thx... God the Installation gives no information and I totally don't know how to start, with so many *.py files:( – user2395922 Sep 15 '14 at 3:20

  • 1

    Could you add a reference for "The upcoming 4.0 release of Supervisord will support Python 2 and 3 (3.2 and up)."? – joar May 11 '15 at 12:20

  • 3

    @joar: See this issue for a status of the Supervisord move to support Python 3.x. The master branch in GitHub supports Python 3, and is marked as version 4.0.0-dev. – Martijn Pieters♦ May 11 '15 at 14:21

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To use supervisord with Python 3 you can setup it directly with pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/Supervisor/supervisor

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answered Apr 20 '18 at 9:12

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5

Vasili Pascal

1,3011515 silver badges1313 bronze badges

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    This is a good option as of Aug 2018, where the latest pip version is 3.3.4 versus 4.0.0dev on GitHub, as noted above – Brad Solomon Aug 21 '18 at 20:21

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Python 3 support for supervisord is still experimental and as mentioned in documentation, you shouldn't use it in production.

Mozilla Foundation has developed a package called circus which works on Python 3.

It manages process with circusd and it also has circusctl, circus-top, circus-web(similar to supervisor).

You can use your supervisor conf file with circus with some changes. It also has a seperate section in docs for users coming from supervisor. You can read that for more details.

Update: Latest master has python 3 support. You can install it with

pip install git+https://github.com/Supervisor/supervisor

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edited Jun 4 '18 at 5:35

answered Jan 12 '17 at 7:37

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


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Master branch of Supervisor already supports Python3. It's a development version, so please notify any bug you find.

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edited Sep 4 '15 at 19:01

answered Apr 7 '15 at 19:08

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5

Adrian Lopez

1,38022 gold badges1919 silver badges3636 bronze badges

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supervisor 4+ supports Python3, It's available in PyPI so you can simply do 

pip install supervisor

 to install it.

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answered Jun 13 at 21:05

【supervisord 】supervisord 4.0.0 以上支持 python3.5


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