
program a Qt demo

I assume that your environment is OK to program a Qt.By the way all code is done on Ubuntu.

Step1: program a Qt demo in QtProject folder.

#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QWidget>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QApplication app(argc,argv);
        QLabel hello("<center>Welcome to my first Qt program</center>");
        hello.setWindowTitle("My first Qt program");
        return app.exec();

To save above code in a file testmain.cpp.

Step2: generate a ​


​​ file which is used to generate a ​


~/QtProject$ qmake -project
~/QtProject$ ls
QtProject.pro  testmain.cpp      

Step3: add ​

​QT += gui widgets​

​​ to the end of QtProject.pro file.

Step4: to generate a ​


​ file which is used to compile the program.

~/QtProject$ qmake QtProject.pro
kyunban@kyunban:~/QtProject$ ls
Makefile  QtProject.pro  testmain.cpp      

Step5: compile this program

~/QtProject$ make
~/QtProject$ ls
Makefile  QtProject  QtProject.pro  testmain.cpp  testmain.o      
~/QtProject$ ./QtProject      
