


A. 每日测试词汇量,复习巩固不会忘。(2023.6.25.)1.流利说阅读:15078个;2. 薄荷阅读:14744个;3.英语水平测试:系统估算词汇量22190个;4.扇贝英语单词词汇量测试:13926;5.轻松背单词:12000;6.英语词汇社词汇量测试:15001; 7.沪江英语词汇量测试:14000。C.阅读(浏览)词汇量累计统计(自2021.10.6.起) 17955575个,今日阅读(浏览)内容单词个数:6264个。B.Sharing (731) In the course of these remarks, delivered with great majesty and grandeur, Mr Dombey had truly revealed the secret feelings of his breast. An indescribable distrust of anybody stepping in between himself and his son; a haughty dread of having any rival or partner in the boy's respect and deference; a sharp misgiving, recently acquired, that he was not infallible in his power of bending and binding human wills; as sharp a jealousy of any second check or cross; these were, at that time the master keys of his soul. In all his life, he had never made a friend. His cold and distant nature had neither sought one, nor found one. And now, when that nature concentrated its whole force so strongly on a partial scheme of parental interest and ambition, it seemed as if its icy current, instead of being released by this influence, and running clear and free, had thawed for but an instant to admit its burden, and then frozen with it into one unyielding block.

