
css height 100% 无效

height 100% 无效

In order for a percentage value to work for height, the parent’s height must be determined. The only exception is the root element , which can be a percentage height. .

So, you’ve given all of your elements height, except

只有父元素的高度设置了(不是百分比)的情况下,子元素的height 百分比的值才能生效,除了 root 元素(html, body)

html {
    height: 100%;


* { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
html, body, #fullheight {
    min-height: 100% !important;
    height: 100%;
#fullheight {
    width: 250px;
    background: blue;
<div id=fullheight>
  Lorem Ipsum        