

1.下载qt-win-commercial-src-4.3.1.zip http://qt.tttxp.ru/4.3.1/qt-win-commercial-src-4.3.1.zip

2.下载qt-vsintegration-1.3.1.exe http://qt.tttxp.ru/4.3.1/qt-vsintegration-1.3.1.exe (注册码: LicenseID="4444" Licensee="StarDancer" LicenseKeyExt=FGKX-RM5-F4M-2CX-3P5X-HGM8X-2B52 下载总页面:http://qt.tttxp.ru/HTML/4xx.htm 非开源版本的在这里下载)

3.我的电脑上右键->属性->高级->环境变量 在环境变量path中添加;D:/qt/bin (;是用来和其它环境变量分开的) 新建环境变量:QMAKESPEC值win32-msvc.net


5.检查d盘空间 ntfs下占用空间为949 MB (995,687,822 字节) , 带文件压缩的情况下 fat32下大小为1.96 GB (2,108,853,199 字节) , 实际占用空间会更多 另外考虑到盘上需要留一定的空间出来,

6.把d:/qt下的.LICENSE文件复制到系统盘的用户目录下 如C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator

7.开始->所有程序->Microsoft Visual Studio 2005->Visual Studio Tools->Visual Studio 2005 命令提示 输入下面命令 d: cd qt configure (可以只选择一部分的configure -help可以看到选项) y (y了以后得等好一段时间了,可能有几十分钟.....可以去玩) nmake (哇哈哈,先去吃饭...会等很久的,可能是1个半小时,当然可以不选择完全编译的)


9.运行vs2005->工具(tools)->选项(options)->qt->builds->add->4.3.1 d:/qt


安装说明原文:                           INSTALLING Qt/Windows Version 4.3.1

Note: If you have obtained a binary package for this platform, consult the installation instructions provided instead of the ones in this document.

1.  If you have the commercial edition of Qt, copy the license file     from your account on dist.trolltech.com into your home directory     (this may be known as the userprofile environment variable) and     rename it to .qt-license. For example on Windows 2000,     %USERPROFILE% should be something like C:/Documents and     Settings/username

    For the open source version you do not need a license file.

2.  Uncompress the files into the directory you want Qt installed,     e.g. C:/Qt/4.3.1.

    NOTE: The install path must not contain any spaces.

3. Environment variables

   In order to build and use Qt, the PATH environment variable needs    to be extended:

        PATH               - to locate qmake, moc and other Qt tools

   This is done by adding c:/Qt/4.3.1/bin to the PATH variable.

   For newer versions of Windows, PATH can be extended through    "Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment variables" and for    older versions by editing c:/autoexec.bat.

4.  Building

    To configure the Qt library for your machine type:

        C:         cd /Qt/4.3.1         configure

    Type "configure -help" to get a list of all available options.

    If you are using the "-direct3d" option, make sure that you have     the Direct3D SDK installed, and that you have run the     %DXSDK_DIR%/Utilities/Bin/dx_setenv.cmd command, before attempting     to run configure.

    The actual commands needed to build Qt depends on your development     system. For Microsoft Visual Studio to create the library and     compile all the demos, examples, tools and tutorials type:


    If you need to reconfigure and rebuild Qt from the same location,     ensure that all traces of the previous configuration are removed     by entering the build directory and typing

        nmake confclean

    before running the configure script again.

5.  That's all. Qt is now installed.

    If you are new to Qt, we suggest that you take a look at the demos     and examples to see Qt in action. Run the Qt Examples and Demos     either by typing 'qtdemo' on the command line or through the     desktop's Start menu.

    You might also want to try the following links:

        http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/how-to-learn-qt.html         http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/tutorial.html         http://www.trolltech.com/developer

    We hope you will enjoy using Qt. Good luck!
