
gson 不忽略空_反序列化对象时Gson忽略null

gson 不忽略空_反序列化对象时Gson忽略null

I want to deserialize a json string that containts a null value in Java. I want to deserialize the object to a Properties object. The json string is something like:

{"prop1":null, "propr2":"fancy value"}

When I deserialize using

String json = //

new Gson().fromJson(json, Properties.class);

I get a null pointer exception because of the Hastable that into the Properties object. How can I instruct Gson to ignore deserialization of null values?


We have this solution:

1. All of your data classes need to extends abstract class

abstract class PoJoClass

2. Create this safe deserializer to delete nulls from JSON

class SafeDeserializer(private val gson: Gson) :JsonDeserializer {

override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement?, typeOfT: Type?, context: JsonDeserializationContext?): T {

val jsonObject = json as JsonObject


return gson.fromJson(jsonObject, typeOfT)


private fun removeNullsFromJson(jsonObject: JsonObject) {

val iterator = jsonObject.keySet().iterator()

while (iterator.hasNext()) {

val key = iterator.next()

when(val json = jsonObject[key]){

is JsonObject -> removeNullsFromJson(json)

is JsonNull -> iterator.remove()





3. And register it in your GSON instance

val gson = Gson().newBuilder()

.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(PoJoClass::class.java, SafeDeserializer(Gson()))
