

–drop rowguid indexes 

select 'drop index ' + sysobjects. name + '.' + sysindexes. name from 


inner join sysobjects 

on sysindexes. id = sysobjects. id 

where objectproperty ( object_id ( sysobjects. name), 'IsMSShipped' ) = 0 

and sysindexes. indid > 0 and sysindexes. indid < 255 and ( sysindexes. status & 

64)= 0 

and index_col ( sysobjects. name, sysindexes. indid, 1) = 'rowguid' 

order by sysindexes. indid 


–remove rowguid default constraints 

select 'alter table ' + b. name + ' drop constraint ' + a. name from 

sysobjects a 

inner join syscolumns on syscolumns. id = a. parent_obj 

inner join sysobjects b on syscolumns. id = b. id 

where syscolumns. name = 'rowguid' 

and objectproperty ( object_id ( b. name), 'IsMSShipped' ) = 0 

and a. xtype = 'D' 


–remove rowguid columns 

select 'alter table ' + sysobjects. name + ' drop column rowguid ' from 


inner join sysobjects on syscolumns. id = sysobjects. id 

where syscolumns. name = 'rowguid' 

and objectproperty ( object_id ( sysobjects. name), 'IsMSShipped' ) = 0