
Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming

DP 的历史渊源:

Richard E. Bellman (1920-1984)

    Richard Bellman received the IEEE Medal of Honor, 1979. “Bellman . . . explained that he invented the name ‘dynamid programming’ to hide the fact that he was doing mathe­matical research at RAND under a Secretary of Defense who ‘had a pathological fear and hatred of the term, research’. He settled on the term ‘dynamic programming’ because it would be difficult to give a ‘pejorative meaning’ and because ‘it was something not even a

Congressman could object to’ ” [John Rust 2006]

问题一:Fibonacci 数列求解问题


Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming
code file : Fibonacci.c
code date : 2014.11.25
e-mail    : [email protected]

code description:
	Here is a implementation of funciont @fib()
which will help us to compute the fibonacci array
and what we should pay attention to is that this 
method is using recursion!

	Reader must know that this method is convenient
way which is used to compute fibonacci array but not a
elegent way.

#include <stdio.h>

int fib(int num)
	if(num <= 1)
		return 1;
		return fib(num-1) + fib(num - 2);

int main()
	int number = 0;
		printf("\nerror!input again!\n");

	printf("The %dth fibonacci number is %d\n",number,fib(number));

	return 0;



Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming
code file : Fibonacci.c
code date : 2014.11.25
e-mail    : [email protected]

code description:
	Here is a implementation of funciont @fib()
which will help us to compute the fibonacci array.

	Aha! Just have glance with my code and you
will find that we didn't use recursion!YES! We do!

	It's very elegent to store the last two var-
ible @prev and @prev_prev which is close to 
current number.Something like this, we have a array,
1 2 3 4 5, @prev is 4 @prev_prev 3, current number is 
5 :)
	This method that we call it as dynamic pro-


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	int number = 0;
	int prev   = 1;
	int prev_prev = 1;
	int result = 1;
		printf("\nerror!input again!\n");

	int temp = 0;
	for(temp = 3;temp <= number;temp++)
		result = prev + prev_prev;
		prev_prev = prev;
		prev = result;

	printf("The %dth fibonacci number is %d\n",number,result);
	return 0;

问题二: 工厂加工汽车的流水工作规划问题。


Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming

Python 实现:

Code writer : EOF
Code date   : 2015.02.03
e-mail      : [email protected]

Code description :
    Here is a implementation in Python as a solution
for Colonel-problem which is in <CLRS> second edition 
chapter 15.


def fastest_way(a, t, e, x, n) :

    f1 = []
    f2 = []
    path = [[],[]]
    # when j == 0
    f1 += [ e[0] + a[0][0] ]
    f2 += [ e[1] + a[1][0] ]

    for j in range(1, n) :
        if (f1[j-1] + a[0][j]) <= (f2[j-1] + t[1][j-1] + a[0][j]) :
            f1 += [ f1[j-1] + a[0][j] ]
            path[0] += [0]
        else :
            f1 += [ f2[j-1] + t[1][j-1] + a[0][j] ]
            path[0] += [1]

        if (f2[j-1] + a[1][j]) <= (f1[j-1] + t[0][j-1] + a[1][j]) :
            f2 += [ f2[j-1] + a[1][j] ]
            path[1] += [1]
        else :
            f2 += [ f1[j-1] + t[0][j-1] + a[1][j] ]
            path[1] += [0]

    if f1[n-1] + x[0] <= f2[n-1] + x[1] :
        smallest_cost = f1[n-1] + x[0]
        path[0] += [0]
        path[1] += [0]
    else :
        smallest_cost = f2[n-1] + x[1]
        path[0] += [1]
        path[1] += [1]

    return path

def print_stations(path) :

    n = len(path[0])
    i = path[0][n-1]
    print "line ", i, ", station", n

    for j in range(n-1, -1, -1) :
        i = path[i][j]
        print "line ", i, ", station", j

#---------------- for testing -----------------------------------------
a = [[7,9,3,4,8,4],[8,5,6,4,5,7]]
t = [[2,3,1,3,4]  ,[2,1,2,2,1]  ]

e = [2,4]
x = [3,2]
n = len(a[0])

path = fastest_way(a, t, e, x, n)


Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming

问题三: 矩阵链乘法:

Code writer : EOF
Code date   : 2015.02.04
Code file   : matrix_mult.py
e-mail      : [email protected]

Code description :

def matrix_chain_order(p) :
        Don't forget that the size of @m and @s
        is smaller than that of @p by 1.
    n = len(p)-1

    p_inf = 2**32-1 # we assmue that the positive infinite is 2**32-1

    m = [ [0 for i in range(0, n)] for i in range(0, n)]
    s = [ [0 for i in range(0, n)] for i in range(0, n)]

    for l in range(1, n) : # l is the chain length
        for i in range(0, n-l) :
            j = i + l
            m[i][j] =  p_inf
            for k in range(i, j) :
                q = m[i][k] + m[k+1][j] + p[i]*p[k+1]*p[j+1]
                if q < m[i][j] :
                    m[i][j] = q
                    s[i][j] = k

    return [m, s]

def print_optimal_parens(s, i, j) :
        Make sure that we count from zero but
        but one.

        row = column = len(A[0])

        So the index of matrix A *can not* be
        A[row][column]. Index out of range.
    if i is j :
        print "A", i ," ",
    else :
        print "(",
        print_optimal_parens(s, i,       s[i][j])
        print_optimal_parens(s, s[i][j]+1, j)
        print ")",

#-----------------for testing ------------------------------------------

p = [5, 10, 3, 12, 5, 50, 6]

[m, s] = matrix_chain_order(p)

print_optimal_parens(s, 0, len(p)-2) 
    The max index of s is len(p)-2.

    Are you forget n = len(p)-1 which is 
    in function @matrix_chain_order ?


Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming

问题四  最长子序列 LCS :

Code writer : EOF
Code date   : 2015.02.05
Code file   : lcs.py
e-mail      : [email protected]

Code description :
    Here is a implementation for a famous DP problem
that LCS -- longest common sub-member


def lcs_length(X, Y) :
    m = len(X)
    n = len(Y)

    c = [[0 for i in range(0, n+1)] for j in range(0, m+1)]
    b = [[0 for i in range(0, n+1)] for j in range(0, m+1)]

    for j in range(0, n+1) :
        c[0][j] = 0

    for i in range(0, m+1) :
        c[i][0] = 0

    for i in range(1, m+1) :
        for j in range(1, n+1) :
            if X[i-1] is Y[j-1] :
                c[i][j] = c[i-1][j-1] + 1
                b[i][j] = "+"
            elif c[i-1][j] >= c[i][j-1] :
                c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]
                b[i][j] = "|"
            else :
                c[i][j] = c[i][j-1]
                b[i][j] = "-"

    return  b

def show(c, m ,n) :
    for i in range(0, m+1) :
        for j in range(0, n+1) :
            print c[i][j],

def print_lcs(b, X, i, j) :
    if i is 0 or j is 0 :

    if b[i][j] is "+" :
        print_lcs(b, X, i-1, j-1)
        print X[i-1],
    elif b[i][j] is "|" :
        print_lcs(b, X, i-1, j)
    else :
        print_lcs(b, X, i, j-1)

#---------------- for testing --------------------------------
X = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "D", "A", "B"]

Y = ["B", "D", "C", "A", "B", "A"]

b = lcs_length(X, Y)

print_lcs(b, X, len(X), len(Y))
Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming

注意, DP问题是求解目标问题的某一个可行解, 但是!! 目标问题不一定只有一个解!! 切记. 自己傻缺, 这里还以为是程序bug, 折腾好久.

                                     Tencent 的AD被屏蔽之后也是蛮逗的。。。

Dynamic Programming 动态规划Dynamic Programming