
odoo 补货规则,当某个位置的产品匹配到多个规则时优先使用序列号最小的规则


​route_sequence, sequence​



def _search_rule(self, route_ids, product_id, warehouse_id, domain):
        """ First find a rule among the ones defined on the procurement
        group, then try on the routes defined for the product, finally fallback
        on the default behavior
        if warehouse_id:
            domain = expression.AND([['|', ('warehouse_id', '=', warehouse_id.id), ('warehouse_id', '=', False)], domain])
        Rule = self.env['stock.rule']
        res = self.env['stock.rule']
        if route_ids:
            res = Rule.search(expression.AND([[('route_id', 'in', route_ids.ids)], domain]), order='route_sequence, sequence', limit=1)
        if not res:
            product_routes = product_id.route_ids | product_id.categ_id.total_route_ids
            if product_routes:
                res = Rule.search(expression.AND([[('route_id', 'in', product_routes.ids)], domain]), order='route_sequence, sequence', limit=1)
        if not res and warehouse_id:
            warehouse_routes = warehouse_id.route_ids
            if warehouse_routes:
                res = Rule.search(expression.AND([[('route_id', 'in', warehouse_routes.ids)], domain]), order='route_sequence, sequence', limit=1)
        return res