


Part 1: music


1. Do you like music?

2. What sorts of music do you enjoy listening to ?

3. Do you prefer live music or recorded music?

4. How important is music to you?


hip-pop说唱; blues布鲁斯; indigenous opera地方戏曲; techno电音音乐; post-rock后摇; heavy metal重金属; symphony交响乐; orchestra管弦乐; punk朋克; soul灵魂乐; remix混录版; musical音乐剧; meditation冥想乐; gospel赞美诗歌; campus songs民谣; lyrics歌词; chorus合唱; choir唱诗班; beat拍子; tempo/rhythm节奏; solo独唱; tune调子; gig演唱会; concert音乐会; album唱片

blue忧郁的; penetrating有穿透力的; soothing舒缓的; uplifting令人振奋的; refreshing 提神清新的; cheerful/joyful 愉悦的; melodious 旋律优美的; nostalgic怀旧的; sentimental 多愁善感的; calm平静的; dynamic 有活力的

1. Do you like music?

Surely yes, I guess everyone enjoys music, and I am no exception, actually, I love all sorts of music, such as light, classical, country music, pop and so forth.

2. How often do you listen to music?

Normally, as long as I take a ride on subway, I’d like to listen to music with my earphone, since it is a good chance for me to escape from the crowds and create my own mindset.

3. How important is music to you?

Well, personally, it is really essential in my life for several reasons, firstly, I am able to release my pressure and ease my nerve through listening to music; besides, I believe it is a good way to boost my personal temperament and sense of appreciation.

4. Do you prefer live music or recorded music?

To be honest, even if live music is full of joy in a multi-sensory way,. I prefer recorded one, since the quality is much better and above all, it is freely available everywhere on the Internet in China.

#雅思# #留学#

