
英文外刊学习 | 人工智能时代,人类何去何从?(2)



英文外刊学习 | 人工智能时代,人类何去何从?(2)

Most exposed are industries which rely on programming and writing skills. That echoes another study, published on March 1st by academics in America, which found that the industries most at risk of a shake-up were legal services and some areas of the financial and insurance industries. They point to telemarketers as the occupation most likely to be made redundant. Teachers, especially those of languages, literature and history, are next on the list. What is striking in both studies is that, unlike past breakthroughs in machine learning, it is skilled and high-paying jobs that are most exposed.

That echoes another study, published on March 1st by academics in America, which found that the industries most at risk of a shake-up were legal services and some areas of the financial and insurance industries.

echo:作为动词,有三个主要意思:①重复;模仿 imitate;②认同,支持 to restate in support or agreement;③引起,想起 to be reminiscent of: evoke。在本句中为第二个意思。


①...children echoing their teacher's words. 孩子们重复老师的话。

②His successor echoed his opinion. 他的继任者支持他的观点。

③music that echoes an earlier time 让人回忆从前的音乐

英文外刊学习 | 人工智能时代,人类何去何从?(2)

What is striking in both studies is that, unlike past breakthroughs in machine learning, it is skilled and high-paying jobs that are most exposed.

striking:异乎寻常的、引人瞩目的 very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention。


①罢工;The workers strike.

英文外刊学习 | 人工智能时代,人类何去何从?(2)

②攻击;击打(某人/某物),可与介词against搭配,即strike against。

③(不好的事,如病痛、灾难等)突然发生 If something such as an illness or disaster strikes, it suddenly happens.

英文外刊学习 | 人工智能时代,人类何去何从?(2)

④被(主意、想法等)吸引、留下印象、感兴趣 If you are struck by something, you think it is very impressive, noticeable, or interesting.

⑤突然想起 If an idea or thought strikes you, it suddenly comes into your mind.


⑦ strike a balance between...在两物之间达实现平衡

This automation should not be feared. It could unshackle workers from mundane tasks and unleash greater labour productivity, which would be a boon for drum-tight labour markets in advanced economies. A study by Goldman Sachs, published on April 5th, suggests that generative AI could grow global gdp by 7% in the next decade.

It could unshackle workers from mundane tasks and unleash greater labour productivity, which would be a boon for drum-tight labour markets in advanced economies.


这两个地道的表达可以积累,在类似话题的写作中可以用到:unshackle workers from mundane tasks;unleash greater labour productivity。

drum-tight labour markets:紧张的劳动力市场,形容词生动地道。

boon:有用之物 something good or very helpful.


a boon or a bane:是福又是祸,既有好处又有坏处

英文外刊学习 | 人工智能时代,人类何去何从?(2)

看一个例句:Running is usually a boon or a bane for me—I love the endorphins(内啡肽), but I sometimes really feel my old knee injury the next day.


英文外刊学习 | 人工智能时代,人类何去何从?(2)
