




	<view id="test">
			<!-- 内容 -->
			<view class="flex">
				<scroll-view scroll-y scroll-with-animation style="height:calc(100vh - 400upx)">
					<!-- 左边 -->
					<view class="flex-sub bg-pink">
						<view :class="index == curListIndex ? 'true': 'false'" @tap="goAnchor"  :data-id="item.id" class="padding-tb-sm" v-for="(item, index) in leftNav" :key="index">
				<scroll-view scroll-y scroll-with-animation style="height:calc(100vh - 400upx)" :scroll-into-view="'main-'+ mainCur" @scroll="noScroll">
					<!-- 右边 -->
					<view class="flex-sub bg-red">
						<view v-for="(item, index) in rightNav" :key="index" :id="'main-'+ index">
							<view style="height: 260upx; background-color: #023C41;">
								<view class="flex justify-end text-center text-content">
									<view class="item bg-blue"  
									:class="rightListSum[index].delAnimation ? 'delRightShoppingCardAnimations' : 'delLeftShoppingCardAnimations'" 
					 v-if="rightListSum[index].showDel" @click="delShoppingCard(index)">
									<view style="width: 60upx;" v-if="rightListSum[index].showDel">
									<view class="item bg-blue" :data-index="index" @click="addShoppingCard">
							<view class="gray_big_line"></view>
				<!-- 小球动画 -->
				<view :animation="animationY" :style="'position:fixed;top:' + ballY + 'px;'" v-if="showBall">
					<view class="ball" :animation="animationX" :style="'position:fixed;left:' + ballX + 'px;'">
						<image src="../../static/james.jpeg" mode=""></image>
			<!-- 底部导航栏 -->
			<view style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; height: 85upx; width: 100%; background-color: #CCCCCC;">
				<view v-if="showShoppingCart" :class="shoppingCartAnimation? 'shoppingCartAnimations' : '' " style="margin-left: 64rpx;width: 85upx;height: 85upx; border-radius: 100%;background-color: red;">


	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				rightListSum: [
						showDel: false,
						delAnimation: false, // 删除动画
						sum: 0,
				alreadyLike: require('@/static/james.jpeg'),
				showShoppingCart: true, // 购物车显示
				shoppingCartAnimation: false, // 购物车动画
				showBall: false, // 小球是否显示
				animationY: '', // 动画Y
				animationX: '', // 动画X
				ballY: '', // 小球当前位置Y
				ballX: '', // 小球当前位置X
				leftNav: [
						name: 'leftNav菜单1',
						id: 0
						name: 'leftNav菜单2',
						id: 1
						name: 'leftNav菜单3',
						id: 2
						name: 'leftNav菜单4',
						id: 3
						name: 'leftNav菜单5',
						id: 4
				rightNav: [
						name: 'rightNav菜单1',
						id: 0
						name: 'rightNav菜单2',
						id: 1
						name: 'rightNav菜单3',
						id: 2
						name: 'rightNav菜单4',
						id: 3
						name: 'rightNav菜单5',
						id: 4
						name: 'rightNav菜单6',
						id: 5
						name: 'rightNav菜单7',
						id: 6
				curListIndex: 0,
				mainCur: 0,
				listHeight: [], // 左边列表高度
				scrollY: ''
		onLoad(option) {
		onReady() {
			// 接口返回
			// this.calculateHeight()
		onShow() {
		methods: {
			// 删除购物车
			async delShoppingCard(index) {
				if (this.rightListSum[index].sum-1 <= 0) {
					this.rightListSum[index].sum = this.rightListSum[index].sum - 1
					this.rightListSum[index].delAnimation = false
					this.setDelayTime(100).then(() => {
						this.rightListSum[index].showDel = false
				} else {
					this.rightListSum[index].sum = this.rightListSum[index].sum - 1
			// 添加购物车
				let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
				this.rightListSum[index].sum = this.rightListSum[index].sum + 1
				this.rightListSum[index].delAnimation = true
				this.rightListSum[index].showDel = true
				// x, y表示手指点击横纵坐标, 即小球的起始坐标
				let ballX = e.detail.x,
					ballY = e.detail.y;
				this.createAnimation(ballX, ballY);
			// 延迟执行
			setDelayTime(sec) {
				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
					setTimeout(() => {resolve()}, sec)
			// 创建动画
			createAnimation(ballX, ballY) {
					success: async (e) => {
						// var bottomX = e.windowWidth; // 结束位置X
						var bottomX = 50; // 结束位置X
						var bottomY = e.windowHeight - 50; // 结束位置Y
						var animationX = this.flyX(bottomX, ballX); // 创建小球水平动画
						var animationY = this.flyY(bottomY, ballY); // 创建小球垂直动画
						this.ballX = ballX; // 小球当前位置X
						this.ballY = ballY; // 小球当前位置Y
						this.showBall = true; // 显示小球
						this.setDelayTime(100).then(() => {
							this.animationX = animationX.export(); // 执行动画X
							this.animationY = animationY.export(); // 执行动画Y
							// 400ms延时, 即小球的抛物线时长
							return this.setDelayTime(400);
						}).then(() => {
							this.animationX = this.flyX(0, 0, 0).export(); // 执行动画X
							this.animationY = this.flyY(0, 0, 0).export(); // 执行动画Y
							this.showBall = false; // 隐藏小球
							this.shoppingCartAnimation =  true // 购物车动画
							// 400ms延时, 即小球的抛物线时长
							return this.setDelayTime(400);
						}).then(() => {
							this.shoppingCartAnimation =  false // 购物车动画
			// 水平动画
			flyX(bottomX, ballX, duration) {
				 * bottomX 结束位置
				 * ballX 开始位置
				 * duration 动画持续时间
				let animation = uni.createAnimation({
					duration: duration || 400,
					timingFunction: 'linear',
				animation.translateX(bottomX-ballX).step(); // 动画效果
				return animation;
			// 垂直动画
			flyY(bottomY, ballY, duration) {
				 * bottomY 结束位置
				 * ballY 开始位置
				 * duration 动画持续时间
				let animation = uni.createAnimation({
					duration: duration || 400,
					timingFunction: 'ease-in',
				animation.translateY(bottomY-ballY).step(); // 动画效果
				return animation;
			// 滑动
			noScroll(e) {
				// console.log(e)
				this.scrollY = e.detail.scrollTop + 20
				// 当滚动到顶部
				if (this.scrollY < 0) {
					this.curListIndex = 0
					// this.mainCur = 0
					return true
				// 在中间部分滚动
				for (let i = 0; i < this.listHeight.length - 1; i++) {
					let height = this.listHeight[i]
					// 思路 拿数组里面的开始、结束 值进行范围比较
					if (this.scrollY > height.start && this.scrollY < height.end) {
						this.curListIndex = i
						// this.mainCur = i
			 // 左边导航栏点击
			goAnchor(e) {
				this.curListIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.id // 下标选中
				this.mainCur = e.currentTarget.dataset.id // 右边锚点
			// 计算每个左边区块的高度
			calculateHeight() {
				let list = this.rightNav
				let tabHeight = 0;
				for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
					const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
					// console.log(query)
					query.select("#main-" + i).boundingClientRect(data => {
					  // console.log(data);
					  // console.log(data.height);
					  let res = {}
					  res.start = tabHeight // 开始高度
					  tabHeight = tabHeight + data.height;
					  res.end = tabHeight // 结束高度
					let rightListSum = {
						showDel: false,
						delAnimation: false, // 删除动画
						sum: 0,
				// let view = uni.createSelectorQuery().select("#main-" + 5);
				// console.log(view)
				// view.fields({
				// 	size: true
				// }, data => {
				// 	console.log(data)
				// }).exec();


		display: flex;
.true {
	border: 8rpx solid red;
.false {
	border: 2rpx solid #ccc;
.item {
  height: 50rpx;
  border-radius: 100%;
/* 购物车动画 */
.shoppingCartAnimations {
	animation: shoppingCartAnimation 1s;
@keyframes shoppingCartAnimation {
    0% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: scale3d(.3,.3,.3)
    20% {
        transform: scale3d(1.1,1.1,1.1)
    40% {
        transform: scale3d(.9,.9,.9)
    60% {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: scale3d(1.03,1.03,1.03)
    80% {
        transform: scale3d(.97,.97,.97)
    to {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: scaleX(1)
.but {
	margin: 10rpx;
	height: 60rpx;
	width: 80rpx;
	display: flex;
.ball {
	height: 40rpx;
	width: 40rpx;
	border-radius: 50%;
	position: fixed;
.ball image{
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
/* 从右到左 */
.delRightShoppingCardAnimations {
	animation: delRightShoppingCardAnimation .5s;
@keyframes delRightShoppingCardAnimation {
	from {
		transform: translateX(100rpx) rotate(900deg);
		animation-timing-function: linear;
	to {
	    transform: translateX(0rpx) rotate(0);
/* 从左到右 */
.delLeftShoppingCardAnimations {
	animation: delLeftShoppingCardAnimation .5s;
@keyframes delLeftShoppingCardAnimation {
	from {
		transform: translateX(0rpx) rotate(0);
	to {
	    transform: translateX(100rpx) rotate(900deg);
	    animation-timing-function: linear;