

CHIP Term Definition
Access Control List
Administrator A Node having Administer privilege over at least the ACL Cluster of another Node.
Advertising Data A data container used in BLE Advertisements to convey a logical grouping of information.
Attribute A data entity which represents a physical quantity or state. This data is communicated to other Nodes using commands.
Binding A persistent attachment between an instance on one Node to one-or-more corresponding instances on another (or the same) Node.
Border Router A router, also known as Edge Router, that provides routing services between two IP subnets (typically, between a hub network and a peripheral network).
Bridge A Node that represents one or more non-CHIP devices on the Fabric.
Bridged Device A non-CHIP device that is represented on the Fabric by a Bridge so it can be used by Nodes on the Fabric.
Broadcast The transmission of a message to every Node in a particular broadcast domain, be it all Nodes on a Ethernet or Wi-Fi link, and/or all Nodes on a Thread mesh.
Certificate Authority (CA) An entity that issues CHIP digital certificates such as a DAC or NOC
Certification Declaration A digitally signed token that conveys CHIP certification status of a vendor’s certified Device.
Client A Cluster interface that typically sends commands that manipulate the attributes on the corresponding server cluster. A client cluster communicates with a corresponding remote server cluster with the same cluster identifier.
Command Requests for action on a value with an expected response which may have parameters and a response with a status and parameters.
Commission To bring a Node into a Fabric.
Commissionable Node A Node that is able to be commissioned. Specific actions such as a button press may be required to put a Commissionable Node into Commissioning Mode in order for it to allow Commissioning.
Commissionable Node Discovery Discovery of a Node that is able to be Commissioned, but not necessarily in Commissioning Mode, for the purpose of performing Commissioning. The Node may be brand new, after factory reset, or it may have have already been Commissioned.
Commissioner A Role of a Node that performs Commissioning.
Commissioner Discovery Discovery of a Commissioner.
Commissionee An entity that is being Commissioned to become a Node.
Commissioning Sequence of operations to bring a Node into a Fabric by assigning an Operational Node ID and Node Operational credentials.
Commissioning Channel A Secure Channel used to perform Commissioning.
Commissioning Mode The mode of a Node in which it allows Commissioning.
Controller A Role of a Node that has permissions to enable it to control one or more Nodes.
Controlee A Role of a Node that has permissions defined to enable it to be controlled by one or more Nodes.
Device A piece of equipment containing one or more Nodes.
Device Attestation Certificate An RFC 5280 compliant X.509 v3 document with attestable attributes.
Discriminator A 12-bit value used to discern between multiple commissionable CHIP device advertisements. See Discriminator value.
Endpoint A particular component within a Node that is individually addressable.
Endpoint Address The address assigned to an Endpoint.
Fabric A logical collection of communicating Nodes, sharing a common root of trust, and a common distributed configuration state.
Information Element A Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11-2020) data container used to convey various information regarding a particular Wi-Fi network’s capabilities and operation.
Key Center A system component which takes the NOCSR from a Commissioner and allocates an Operational Node ID that is unique to the Fabric, inserts this Operational Node ID as the DN into the NOC, and signs the NOC.
Manual Pairing Code An 11-digit or 21-digit numeric code that can be manually entered/spoken instead of scanning a QR code, which contains the information needed to commission a CHIP device.
Node An addressable entity which supports the CHIP protocol stack and (once Commissioned) has its own Operational Node ID and Node Operational credentials. A Device MAY host multiple Nodes.
Operational Discovery Discovery of a previously commissioned Node for the purpose of performing operations with that Node.
Onboarding Payload The information needed to start the process of commissioning a Device.
OTA Provider A Node implementing the OTA Software Update Provider role (see OTA Software Update Provider Cluster Definition).
OTA Requestor A Node implementing the OTA Software Update Requestor role (see OTA Software Update Requestor Cluster Definition).
Product Attestation Authority An entity which operates a root level Certificate Authority for the purpose of Device Attestation.
Product Attestation Intermediate An entity which operates an intermediate level Certificate Authority for the purpose of Device Attestation.
Product ID (PID) A 16-bit number that identifies the type of a Device, uniquely among the product types made by a given vendor. See Product ID.
QR Code A machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached (see QR Code).
Role Some set of (related) behaviors of a Node. Each Node can have multiple roles.
Soft-AP A device utilizing Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11-2020) Access Point (AP) functionality to advertise its presence and allow IP-bearing connections but does not offer Internet connectivity.
Secure Channel A channel in which messages are encrypted and authenticated. Unicast secure channels also provide authentication of each peer.
Server A Cluster interface that typically supports all or most of the attributes of the Cluster. A Server Cluster communicates with a corresponding remote Client Cluster with the same Cluster identifier.
Service Discovery The ability of a Node to locate services of interest.
Software Image A data blob, equivalent to a file, utilized by a Node to update its software. For the purposes of OTA Software Update, this further refers to files conforming to the OTA Software Image File Format.
Thread A low-power IEEE 802.15.4-based IPv6 mesh networking technology (see Thread specification).
Vendor The organization that made a Device.
Vendor ID (VID) A 16-bit number that uniquely identifies the Vendor of the Device. See Vendor ID.
